Rosé - Once Upon The Very Start

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" Yes , Yes... I would like to announce my undying love for this girl I never thought I needed...."





  Before what ever so changed my life for what seemed like forever , Let's go back to many , many years ago. Shall we?

  Let my just briefly introduce myself incase you have utterly no clear of who I am. I am Rosé Ruby Hyde , One of the most dangerously powerful women in the world. That was....

I was born in Taito City of Japan. My parents were poor but they owned a restaurant that helped us at least get through. So I wasn't the only 'diamond' born on May of 1979 . No , no... I was born with my dearest sister , Akari Cadenza Hyde. Such an angel... I loved her with my whole heart. I really did. We grew up so attached of each other but our views were always different.

  She believed in destiny , always so free and optimistic . I believed in logic , always elegant and hard working. We were clearly different , besides being fraternal twins. She liked to keep her hair long , I liked to keep is short. Her eyes were rounder , my eyes were sharper. She liked to dress in girly clothes , I preferred chic. My dream was to be a fashion designer , a filthy rich one. Her dream was to be a singer and dancer.

  We did have a few things in common. We both had red ruby eyes and black hair. We obviously had the same birthday. We were both sirens like our mother only she loved swimming more than I did. Actually , I hated swimming.  

  By the time we reached highschool , we were awarded with scholarships. I chose to continued through University in South Korea and live in Korea for the time being with my grandmother. Akari chose to work in our parent's restaurant. I didn't see why she couldn't continue but I was happy if she was.

  Fast forward a few months , turns out she met the man of my dreams : Hozbaldo Delcapridon Baresi. He's an Italian CEO of SKULLZ , which at the time was rising really high in the charts , and fashion designer . He was only two years older than I was and I had been working for him for within those few months. We had become really great friends. This man was such an amazing model and singer as well. Everyone loved him... Who wouldn't?

  His father is , of course , Vincent Delcapridon Baresi , Best model in his generation and best fashion designer. His mother is the gorgoues Yvette Baresi , She was the daughter of a rich , Italian business man. Her gorgouse rose gold hair is actually natural. Vincent however inherited white hair from his albino father , Scar Delcapridon. I heard that man was the best business man in his generation. Hozbaldo inherited his father's white hair and his mother's gorgouse alexandrite blue eyes. Cat Eye Alexandrite to be exact.

  Back to Hozbaldo and my sister , turns out he hired her as a model even though she knew absolutely nothing about modeling. I was actually so happy to work with her and design her outfits. It was all perfect ...  Absolutely perfect...


  That night at her party after she was crowned Miss Japan of 1997 in the Beauty Pageant in Italy when Hozaldo was up on that stage after everyone applauded for the words of congratulations for her winning...

  " Yes , Yes... I would like to announce my undying love for this girl I never thought I needed..." Hozbaldo said.

  He turned his head towards my direction... Atleast I thought it was..

  " Akari Hyde... " He continued.

  I heard my own heart shatter into pieces. The love of MY life , MY LIFE , chose my sister. He fell in love with my sister... When I saw her walking up that same stage , towards him and kissed him on his precious lips, accepting his confession... I lost every notion of sense. Everyone cheered for them... Every single cheer only fed my anger...

The Red PlagueTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon