7 - Confrontation

Start from the beginning

"It's an untitled song," I decided to reply. "I wrote it a while back... for you".

Gerard instantly blushed, "You wrote it? For me?" I nodded. Gerard threw his arms around me, causing my guitar to fall to the ground. "I love it!"

I said a silent prayer in my head for my poor guitar that had collided with the ground as Gerard picked it back up for me, apologizing. Luckily, it was perfectly fine.

"Hey, we haven't gone outside lately," Gerard commented after I had put my guitar away. "Do you want to go for a walk around the park or something to get some fresh air? Maybe stretch your good leg out a bit?"

I agreed, knowing that some exercise for the first time in a long while would do me some good. So, after throwing on some jackets, and Gerard, his scarf, we ventured out towards the park.

By the time we got there at my slowed pace, the sun was already beginning to set, which honestly, made it quite romantic as we walked along together. Gerard reached out to hold my hand a ways into our walk, and it reminded me of the old days of our cheesy, romantic dates together. We did cute little things like this all the time. Most of the time, I didn't care what we did-I usually left that up to Gerard. Anything was usually fine by me as long as it made him happy.

We continued to walk around until it became harder to see, as it was turning to night. That's when we decided that we had gotten plenty of exercise for the day and it was best to head on home.

However, on our way back, someone appeared to be walking straight towards us on the path. Of course, this wasn't out of the ordinary considering there were other people who enjoyed coming to the park, but this man looked infuriated about something. And judging by how he was staring me straight in the eyes, I had a feeling that his anger somehow had something to do with me.

I didn't recognize the guy from prison or anywhere else, so surely he couldn't have been mad at me about any snarky comments I could've given him back in the day. So maybe he was just some crazy dude wondering around the park?

I glanced over at Gerard to see if he was noticing this strange sight as well, but my heart sank a little once I noticed his face. He was staring straight ahead with an intense look of fear in his eyes.

"Frank, start walking home. Now."

I tilted my head, "What do you mean?"

"Get out of here now," he ordered, turning to face me. "Go as fast as you can. I'll come home in a bit, I promise. You just need to get away from here as quickly as you can".

I wanted to do as I was told, but who would just leave their boyfriend stranded after he said something as ominous as that? Something was seriously wrong.

I walked back a few steps, still unsure of whether or not I should listen to him or not.

That's when the stranger had finally made his way up to us. Immediately he got right up in Gerard's face.

"Who's this you're holding hands with?" He asked with anger rising in his voice. At first I couldn't tell who he was, but after a moment, it registered in my head.

It was the same guy who Gerard had been talking to in the other room of our apartment a while back. The same one that had told my Gerard that he loved him.

"Hey asshole," I yelled out at the stranger. "Get the fuck away from him".

Almost immediately, I regretted having spoken up. The man gave me one last nasty look before running towards me. Before I knew it, I was being pushed to the ground with my crutches falling out of my reach.

Towering over me, the man replied, "Who do you think you are talking to me like that?"

"Bert please, don't hurt him," Gerard came rushing over, desperately trying to pull him away. "He's just a friend, I swear! I've just been trying to help him out lately because of his leg!"

Just a friend...? My heart sank.

Bert turned to Gerard, a look of disgust on his face, but calmed down right after seeing Gerard's sad, little smile.

Leaning over, Bert began to kiss Gerard on the lips, right in front of my face. I was about to get up and fight him for having done such a thing, but suddenly, I lost all motivation when I saw how Gerard reacted.

Gerard kissed him back.

Never had I felt my heart hurt as bad as it did right then and there. It was almost as if it was shattering into a million tiny shards that were scrapping up my insides. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Do you believe me now?" Gerard asked Bert, not even glancing in my direction. Worry still coaxing his face.

Looking down at me, Bert smirked with triumph and put an arm around Gerard, "Yeah, I believe you, Gee". With a chuckle he added, "Come on let's go back to my place. Your little friend should be fine on his own now shouldn't he?"

Gerard continued to avoid looking at me. Instead, he just nodded his head slowly, shaking and twitching a bit at Bert's touch. He looked extremely uncomfortable...

"Hey, don't you touch him!" I yelled at Bert.

But I was taken aback when Gerard was the one to answer, "Frank, I'll be fine. Just...go".

Suddenly, I couldn't care less about what happened to Gerard. Did he really just reject my help? Not to mention he literally kissed someone else right in front of my face as if I wasn't even there? I was absolutely furious. Him and Bert could run off and do whatever the hell they wanted now. What did it matter? That's clearly who he'd rather be with.

So as Bert led Gerard away, I didn't protest. With hatred burning in my eyes, I just turned away even when Gerard looked back over his shoulder at me.

Soon, I managed to crawl my way across the pavement and regained my crutches. Using a nearby bench for assistance, I pulled myself back up to my feet.

After that, I didn't want to think about Gerard anymore. That traitor... that cheater! After everything I had done for him... Why would he have done such a thing?

Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out a little box. I felt tears stream down my face as I opened it up and examined the shiny, metal ring it safely held inside... And to think I was even considering trying to ask that ridiculous question to him again. I had been waiting for the right moment to come, but apparently it wasn't ever supposed to.

Closing it back up, I chucked the box as far as I possibly could. Who knows where it landed, but it didn't matter now.

Gerard and I were done.

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