~Hello Darling~ Wilford Warfstache x Male!Reader

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For so long you thought you were destined for a boring life.

That all changed when you met him.

"Sorry!" you called out as you brushed past a man down the busy sidewalk. He grabbed your arm suddenly, but gently, whipping you around to face him.

"It's quite alright...." He looked at me questioningly, one eyebrow cocked up.


"Y/N! Such a glorious name! My name is Wilford, not so glorious as you can see." You smiled slightly. Wilford was actually quite charming. In a unique sort of way. You thought it was quite peculiar how he dressed. A cream-colored polo, gray trousers, rainbow suspenders, and a pink bow tie. Not to mention the bright pink fluffy mass, of what you presumed to be hair, resting on his head. His hair reminded you slightly of a cupcake, with the fluffy white snowflakes gently resting on top of his hair, as if they were sprinkles.

"Now tell me, where are you off to in such a rush?" His almond-shaped eyes were captivating, like watching your loved one warm-up from a cold winter day. The steam from the cocoa covering their beautifully flushed cheeks and you couldn't help but stare in awe at their beauty wondering, how did you get this lucky? That was the color of his eyes. So beautiful at a moment's notice, yet in another, can quickly turn on you in the blink of an eye.

"Work," You lied. You had no idea who this man was, or why he was so interested in where you were going. You only knew it was slightly unnerving how close he was standing near to you now. Yet, as you eyed him up and down, he seemed familiar in some way.

"Well, I will accompany you! That's what fellow gentlemen do for each other, correct?" Wilford's smile was so warm and friendly, all you could do was nod weakly and smile as he began in the direction you were going before you had run into him.

We both walked a ways away from where you met before he spoke again, "Now tell me, dear Y/N, why were you lying before? I have been nothing but kind to you since we met."

Well, shooty shoot.

"I....Don't really know you," You stated, pausing abruptly in front of a cafe, "And to be honest, I think it's creepy the way you are so invested in where I am going."

The silence was deafening. Sure, there were people walking all around you on the sidewalk, chattering and talking to themselves, but between you and him, it was so silent. So thickening. You studied the small cafe that you both were standing in front of.

Inside, a man and a woman were sitting at a small table in the loneliest corner of the cafe. The woman was thoughtfully watching the snowflakes fall and melt on the window while the male was gazing at the women with such love in his eyes. You wondered when that would happen to you. When would someone look at you like that?

You realized Wilford was staring at you intently.

"I'm sorry if I came off as intrusive, I just...." Tears started to develop in his eyes, tracing patterns on his bronzed profile, "The last time I wasn't invested in what my friends were doing, they all left."

"You....consider me a friend?" You looked at him questioningly, seeking for something in his sorrowful eyes.

"I...I won't. I'm sorry, it's just that everyone I met...." Wilford trailed off, probably thinking of past memories, "I'm terribly sorry, I've been lonesome far too long. I really must be going, please excuse me." He started walking away before you grabbed his hand preventing him from moving any farther.

"Stay." You don't know what made you say it. Some strange being that wasn't you. Maybe it was someone else? No, the sidewalk was miraculously people free at this very moment. How convenient. When he looked at you again, his eyes were filled with such pain and need. You wanted him. You don't know why, but you were attached to this man. "Please stay, Wilford." You gripped his hand even tighter, thinking if you let go for even a moment, he would run off leaving you like every other lover in your life.

His gaze lingered on your eyes for what seemed like an eternity before he spoke in a barely audible voice, "I know it seems crazy, but I feel like I've known you since forever," he was so close to your face. So close. "I feel like...."

"We loved each other before?" You finished for him. You looked up into his warm, kind eyes and smiled. You wanted so badly, right then and there to take his soft, pink hair, intertwine it with your fingers, and play with it for hours on end. "Maybe we have."

He leaned down so we were nose to nose before speaking again, his low voice bringing a slight blush on your cheeks, "I...I want you. I need you. Will you...." He looked to the left before relocking with your gaze. "Will you stay with me?"

Your breath got caught in your throat slightly as you studied his face more, searching for lies. Maybe even hoping he was lying to you because everyone else did in your life. You could trust no one yet, this man, Wilford, whom you have never met before, had complete honesty written all over his face. You trusted him as if you've known him for years. You haven't yet somehow, someway, you have...

"I love you Y/N. I know, I'm just a random man you met on the street but... I love you so much."

You studied the snowflakes that peppered his eyelashes lightly. And you studied the way he held his breath, then let it out so slowly when waiting for a response from you. God his smell was intoxicating. It was like you had finally found that familiar ghost scent that plagued you day to day, never knowing what it was until you met Wilford. Peppermint and warm vanilla. That was the smell, and you loved it.

You loved him.

"I love you too Wilford... ''I love you too." You pulled on his rainbow suspenders, dragging the taller man down towards you, closing the gap between you two with a warm, passionate, kiss filled with warm vanilla, and peppermint.

And you loved it.

You two finally broke apart after some time, each studying the other's face for a hateful reaction, but none came. The only thing that both of you had in your eyes was pure need and desire.

Wilford gently placed his forehead against yours, gently cradling each side of your face, "I love you so much. So much." he murmured, "And I will never let anything happen to you."

Because of course, life needed a bit of madness but....why should death be any different?

Author's Note

Hi me again! How did you like this one? I hoped you enjoyed it! This one was so fun to write! If you did enjoy this story, go check out my Tumblr. (Link in about section under profile)

Should I make a part two to this one?

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Until next time!

Markiplier Egos x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now