Authors Note

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A few things to say. First off, I have the story labeled as Cracker X Mute Reader. Mute isn't exactly the correct term for this but it's easier to understand at face value. The character is going to actually have what's called Broca's Dysphasia. Feel free to check out what that is, it's actually pretty interesting, but I'll be adding info on that later in the story as well. I tried to do a little bit of research on the topic before writing so I hope I get it down well.

Secondly, besides the cover art, all the other art that will be in each chapter will be my own stuff I've done through the years, I thought it'd be fun to use my stuff instead of using other people's art all the time. I'll add a little blurb about each piece, what media used and whatnot.

Besides that, I'd also like to know what other stories people would like to read. What character's you'd like involved and what kinds of scenarios and such, suggestions are welcome!

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