get to know me.

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Name: My name is Silver.

Age: 17 years old

Theriotype: red wolf, White ferret, Winged/angelkin //possibly dragon or werewolfkin//

Awakened: 2016

A little bit about me: I love art, nature. I'm a witch, since 2012. Spirituality is a huge part of my life. And I have an amazing small pack/family. 

-Alex is a fox therian. They have red hair and they are so sweet and rambunctious. They are very short. They have slight autism, but that doesn't change who they are. Or would we love them any less. 

-Thorn is a polytherian. She is a timber wolf, snow leopard, a german shepherd, Alaskan Malamute, Raven, Ethiopian fox, a werewolf, wendigo, dragon, and possibly a ferret or something similar.  She is our alpha. She is my best friend. 

-Ace is a red wolf and a lyntri trico. He is a very sweet, playful friend. 

My red wolf therian journeyWhere stories live. Discover now