Chapter 31

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Claire's P.O.V.

"Alright, everyone. Please give your reports," I said over the communicator. I wanted to see if anyone else had any strange encounters like I did.

"Well there was this kid at cram school," Serenity started. "He was new... and he was rather peculiar. I was seated right next to him... and he introduced himself. His name was Jake, at least, that's what he said to call him, his full name is Jackson-"


"Right. So We shook hands, but when we did, I felt something strange... it was as if a wave suddenly came crashing down on me..."

"That's not possible, Serenity!"

"Really? What about you, Aera?"

"Meh. I don't really talk to others..."

Serenity groaned.

"Umm... we don't have anything new since the Mars Twins," Max said on behalf of himself and Maddie.

"Jersey and I went on another date!" Larry commented.


"Similar to Serenity's incident," Itsuki started. "There is this kid at my school who's always been in my class, but he's always been so quiet. His name is Zephyr. Today, he was called up to the front of the class to write something on the board, but as he passed by me... I felt like he was just a breeze of wind... pretty peculiar, right?"


"What about you, Claire?"

"Umm... well I was late to school and I bonked into someone and I forget his name but when I touched his hand, something like an electric shock suddenly went through me..."

"I think there are two possibilities," Maddie commented.

"Yeah," Max agreed. "Either they're the enemy..."

"Or they're planetary children!" Maddie finished.

Maddie's P.O.V.

More Planetary Children? My quest is gonna go faster than I thought...

Maybe I'll be hearing some news of Rafael and Estelle soon...

But these three...

Itsuki's classmate must be the Uranus Planetary Child...

Serenity's new deskmate must be either Mercury or Neptune's Planetary Child...

And Claire's...

I'm actually not sure about him...

I mean, that one seems more normal than the others...


More possible Planetary Children? Are they really? Who is the Ryuu kid and is he related to all of this? We're bound to find out soon!

Bye for now!

Powers Are Meant To Be Discovered (SAMTBK Vol. 3)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz