The Modern World of Literature

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They say you have to read the bible.

To help you understand biblical references.

They say that those references can be found in everything.

What they don’t tell you is that if you’re planning on writing yourself,

you probably won’t need to know any of that.


They say you need to learn basic psychology.

To help you analyze human nature.

They say it’s a necessity to understand how people think.

What they don’t tell you is that psychology is all speculation

and you’re probably better off trusting your basic instincts.


They say you have to understand how to do MLA format.

In order to make it through college.

They say if you don’t, you’ll get arrested for copyright infringement.

What they don’t tell you is that MLA format only serves to protect you from a broken system

and Homer didn’t use MLA format when he wrote The Odyssey.


They say you have to read The Scarlet Letter.

To help you with your knowledge of classic literature.

They say Hawthorne was an amazing romantic writer

What they don’t tell you, is that The Scarlet Letter is a terrible book with no redeeming qualities

and Hawthorne was kind of a sham.


They say you have to go to college.

To learn how to write correctly.

They say that you won’t get far in the world of literature without a proper college education.

What they don’t tell you is what they mean by “correctly”

and when they say “proper college education” they actually mean “proper college resume”.


Nothing that they say gives you creativity;

the one thing that actually helps you write well.

Nothing they say keeps the world of literature simple and jovial.

What they do say takes a simple world and overcomplicates it to the point of redundancy

and they only do so to serve the desires of the madmen who endlessly seek a perfect work of literature

Just like the conquistadors who searched for El-Dorado.

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