"Oh," Hermione said with a start. "I almost forgot. I got you something too," Hermione paused. "Well, actually, I made it."

Luna looked at her quizzically, clearly expecting nothing in return, as Hermione rushed to her bedside table to retrieve a simply wrapped square box. The paper was blue, secured with a silver ribbon and a tag that read 'Happy Christmas Luna. Love, Hermione'.

Luna pulled apart the wrappings and unfurled a hand-knitted scarf within. The scarf was a lovely shade of blue with small silver moons and stars woven into it. Near the ends, Hermione had knitted small images of green Nargles in honor of their first night together. It was a little crooked in spots and had the occasional bumpy stitch, but Hermione was immensely proud of it.
Luna stared at the scarf in wonder for a moment, her eyes wide and her mouth creeping into a smile. "Hermione, this is lovely, you're very talented." Luna wound the scarf around her neck and Hermione reached out to tighten it against her skin.

"Do you like it?" Hermione asked.

"I love it," said Luna fingering the Nargles on the edge. Luna looked up to meet Hermione's gaze, her eyes were filled with deep gratitude. "Thank you."

Hermione smiled. She was glad that Luna liked the scarf so much, but she suddenly felt so sorry that they were about to part for Christmas.

Hermione took a breath and said, "so will it just be you and your dad for Christmas then?"

"Oh yes," said Luna. "We don't have much family besides the two of us." Luna paused for a second. "I know that you're going to the Weasley's, but if you change your mind, or need to leave, I'm sure Dad would be happy to have you."

"Thank you, Luna, that's kind," Hermione said. "I'm sorry that I'm going to the Burrow."

"You don't have to apologize, I understand," Luna said honestly. "I really don't mind."

Hermione nodded, moved by Luna's selflessness and understanding. But maybe you should, she thought but did not say.

"I should be going," Luna said. "I'm meeting Dad in Hogsmeade and we're going to apparate from there. He'll be waiting for me."

"Me too. Ginny and I are taking the Hogwarts Express, we'll have to be leaving soon if we're going to make it. Happy Christmas, Luna."

"Happy Christmas, Hermione," Luna said as she reached up and kissed Hermione softly and quickly, like a lovely habit. With an easy smile, she turned and was gone.

Hermione wanted nothing more than to sit and think about this last conversation, but she had to finish packing before Ginny arrived. She hastily stuffed the last of her things into her trunk, only moments before Ginny walked in to fetch her own trunk and leave.

"Hi Hermione," Ginny said cheerily. "Ready to go then?"

"Yes, I'm ready. Just grabbing the last of my things," she said, delicately placing her new book into her purse with a secret smile.


The two women rode in silence for most of the way, staring out the window at the countryside, idyllically dusted with snow. This Christmas seemed to be more solemn than most at Hogwarts and the train was mostly hushed in quiet thoughts. This was the first Christmas after the war, meaning it was the first Christmas without those who had been lost. Nearly everyone had lost someone of importance to them, and their absence would be keenly felt during the holidays. Hermione, however, didn't feel like she missed her family more than before. So few of her recent holidays had actually been spent at home, and family traditions felt distant and vague at best.

When they arrived at the Burrow, there was more family exclaiming and hugging them than they could count. Behind a sea of red hair, Hermione saw Harry walk around the corner. "Harry!" she said and flung her arms around him.

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