Chapter 1: Prologue

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Ryder stepped on the gas, speeding away as I heard the sirens , watching in the rear view mirror as there were several police cars following behind Ryder 's GT Ford.

"Don't worry Nadia, I'll get us out of here!"

"Where the hell are you guys?!" A voice spoke through the Bluetooth speaker

That was Akira Yamashiro, our getaway biker

"Just bolted past 5th Avenue!"

"Damn it, these guys got me cornered on Lincoln Road!"

That was Mia, our other getaway driver

My brother Chris is most likely in that car with did I get caught up in all this?

6  months earlier


"Yo Nadia, did you hear what I said?"

"Huh?" I looked over to see my brother looking over at me, I must've dazed off

"I was asking if Dad's giving you driving lessons"

"Oh sorry , um, I don't think so.....he said that I didn't need any driving lessons if you've already got your license" I said disappointed

It's like Dad didn't trust me at all, I know that driving can be dangerous at times but how am I suppose to learn anything if he won't even teach me the basics?

Chris is a whole different story, he didn't care if Dad didn't want him driving yet, he got his driver's license last year anyway.

I wish I had my brother's confidence

"Sorry to hear that sis, you know I'd give you driving lessons myself but I'm like swamped with school and work" Chris said

"Hey it's okay, I know you're working hard to get into a good university"

I dove straight into my thoughts once more before getting interrupted by the sound of a car's engine revving, I looked over to see a bright yellow car.

The driver turned and looked at me

For some reason, I couldn't stare away from him, his chestnut colored eyes staring at me as he briefly looked into his rear view mirror and fixed his dark blonde hair.

The light turned green as I watched the mystery man speed away

"Having fun there, sis?" Chris teased

I rolled my eyes

"Just drive, we'll be late"

Chris chuckles and drives us to Spader High School


Walking through the hallways of Spader High School, I rushed quickly to my locker to get my textbooks. I looked at all the people at this school, in their large group of friends, I was always the quiet girl at this school.

Besides Chris and my best friend, Phoenix, I didn't have a lot of friends

I finally made it to my locker, using the same combination that I've had since middle school and grabbed my textbooks.

I suddenly felt someone jumping on top of me


"It's about time you got here! I've been waiting forever!"

Midnight: First Race Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin