Chapter 1: A new beginning

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Tears streamed down Calrys'face when she held her brother tightly pressed against her body, her wings engulfing him completely with a bright golden light.

„Clary, please stop you're hurting me! "She heard him croak into her ear: "Clary it hurts...stop...STOP!! " Jonathan cried and tried to free himself as he felt the angelic power burning away the demonic blood pulsing in his veins. He trembled and could not hold himself up any longer. Clary lay him down gently onto the streets as his life left his body. The veins on his face had turned black and his eyes had the same color.

Clary was sobbing uncontrollably and caressed her dying brothers' face; pushing his silvery white hair away from his pale sweaty forehead. :" Shhh it's okay...everything will be alright.." she whispered in a teary voice as she watched the face of her brother go slack and his hair going back to its 'natural dark red color; his black eyes turning a bright green again.. Jonathan breathed his last breath and the bright light around them started to fade away along with Claries' wings. When she looked down at his now limp body she screamed. Her pain exploding and radiating from her in waves. Everyone standing close to her was hit by a shockwave and thrown back a few feet.

Scrambling to their feet they stared at their friend; panic clearly written in their eyes. „ What by the angels was that!? " Jace breathed, eyes wide opened with his hand on his seraph blade ready to attack if necessary. „ I have no idea..." Izzy answered. She was bleeding from a cut on her forehead, blood trickling down her face, but she did not care, she could not care less right now. She never saw Clary like that before. She had seen her crying before and screaming as well, but this grade of agony and pure pain was an emotion she had never witnessed Clary showing before. She was screaming and sobbing her dead brother still tightly hugged against her.

„ Jace we have to get her out of here. This is calling in too much attention. We need to go...NOW! "Izzy said in a stern voice looking him dead in the eyes. She started to walk towards Clary when Alec suddenly grabbed her by the wrist to hold her back, :" Alec let go this instant or I swear I will hurt you!" , but Alec did not let go : „ Izzy, let Jace handle this he knows her better than anyone of us....if he cannot handle it we will be there, but for the moment just let him okay?" she knew her brother was right, but it was hard just being a bystander when her friend was suffering so much. She grinded her teeth ', but decided to stay put.

When Jace started to walk closer in a slow pace he heard her sobbing and calling her brother's name over and over again: „ Jon please...please don't leave me....don't please...come back to me.." he reached out his hand to place it on her shoulder.

 He wanted to say something, but her head spun around so fast he did not have time to react: „ Don't you dare come closer! Don't ever touch me again! This is your fault...ALL OF THIS!! If you never searched for me this would not have happened!! If I should ever see you again I will kill you for this I swear on my dead brother and my dead mother! Take Izzy, Alec and Magnus and don't try to search for me!" she was screaming with a voice he never heard from her before, it was cold and dead and filled with so much hatred, but the most horrifying detail were her eyes...they were pitch black.

 Jace stumbled backwards. He could not believe this...This was not his Clary, this was not the bright compassionate girl he fell in love with. This was something completely different and that was the moment Jace realized he had lost Clary forever. Scared of what she would do next if they tried to get her away from him he backed off. Reaching Alec and the others, they disappeared through a portal that Magnus had kept open just in case they needed a fast exit, which they did right now. With the portal closing behind them Clary disappeared from their sight and they were back at the institute in New York. As soon as the portal closed Jace rushed out of the room into the control center and started giving orders to all remaining shadow hunters to gear up and start a search for Clary, but Alec was right on his heels and grabbed him by his arm 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2019 ⏰

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