Author's Note

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Kate, the author of the story, glanced up from her furious typing to meet your eyes with her glowing amber ones. Her dark hair, in stark contrast to her eyes, was thrown up in a bun that she might've thought was pretty once, but was beginning to fall apart in a way that she never intended. Her face was fairly round and her skin smooth, and a dimple was pressed into her left lower cheek.

Her office channeled the old detective aesthetic, but every surface was covered in pillows and blankets or small potted plants, each of which she named and adored and watered each day. A bag of chips and a mug of tea sat steaming on her desk.

You sigh. "Can't you write a normal author's note? Must you be this dramatic?"

She waved her hands. "Oh, you know, I would've been embarrassed to look back and see some," she paused and raised her voice about 3 octaves to mock herself.  "'hAi rEadErs, i'M sO hUmBlEd bY yOuR rEAdS' kind of author's note. Though, by the way, I cherish every one," she rushed to correct herself. "I'd just much rather have my book start with a piece of writing, you know?"

You consider this. "I suppose this would be a lot easier to look back on."

"See?" Kate says excitedly. "Anyway, here it is!"

She hands you a blank piece of paper. 

"There's nothing on it."

"Exactly! Because I haven't started to edit any of the one-shots I've drafted. Most of them are angst, you see."

"Can... I see your drafts..?"

"Uh, uh, uh! You have to be warned of things first, you see. Take a seat, take a seat."

She stands up to pat the cushioned chair in front of her desk. You sit down on it slowly.

"Well, first off, you must be wondering about this," Kate gestures down at herself. "Well, in truth, Kate isn't my real name. And neither do I look like this. Minus a few features, of course, but I'll never tell you what those are. You see, this is just an avatar of sorts. If I described myself or used my real name, my friends would know who I am instantly, and people would make fun of me until the end of time! Besides, it makes these interactions a lot easier to write, since I hate describing myself. In general, it makes things more convenient. Makes sense?"

You nod. "That is... surprisingly sensible of you."

Kate laughs. "Although I may seem scatterbrained, which I am 99% of the time, I do have some method to my madness. Secondly! If, for some reason, you've enjoyed my writing, please vote and comment and all that fun stuff! If you don't like my writing, feel free to criticize me in the comments! I'm open to both, honestly."

"Anything else?"

"Oh, yeah! If you want to see specific pieces of writing done, feel free to DM me. I'll get to work as soon as I'm done with my little projects. I'll sprinkle requested stuff into the mix along with stuff that I come up with on my own. Some stuff that I may write include ship fluff, angst, even some poems if I'm feeling up to it! Everything under the PG fanfiction umbrella."

You open your mouth, but she raises a finger. "Strictly PG. I won't write anything else."

You nod. "Yeah, I noticed. So, what's first?"

"Oh, this Catra angst that I wrote while I was feeling, well, angsty. You know, as one does."

You smile. "Okay, well I guess I'll stick around until that."

"See you," she shoos you away. "Now go and let me write!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2019 ⏰

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