My poor Frankie.

Saturday had passed in a blur.

When my Mom had arrived, Frank hugged her and wouldn't let go.

He had said to me before that he sometimes preferred my Mom to his own.

That was pretty sad.

When his own Mom had turned up though, he had acted like he didn't even know her.

I didn't blame him.

To be fair, she hadn't known what had been going on.

But that didn't stop Frank from disagreeing to talk to her.

His Mom didn't put up much of a fight so we ended up bringing Frank back to ours.

I had been planning to do that anyway.

Even if he had greeted his Mom warmly.

I was a little glad he didn't though as that made things a little easier.

We brought him down to my room and that was where he had stayed since.

I stayed down with him most of the time.

Sometimes I would go upstairs to get a hug from my Mom or something.

I needed a bit of emotional support sometimes.

But that wouldn't stop me from being away from Frank for no longer than five minutes.

I thought about it all as I returned our cereal bowls to the kitchen.

Would Frank ever be better?

I guessed he just needed some time.

That didn't bother me too much.

I kind of missed him though.

I missed his smile; I missed his laugh, his jokes, his snide comments.

I missed all of him.

He would be back soon hopefully.

I hoped that soon would be soon.

"Is he speaking yet?" My Mom asked when I entered the kitchen.

I shook my head.

My Mom's face fell and she pulled me into a hug.

"Don't worry. He'll be okay soon," She reassured me.

That was what I had been telling myself so I really hoped it was true.

I nodded and headed for the door again.


I looked back.

"Just... Take it one day at a time. Don't rush him."

"I won't," I agreed.

I went back downstairs.

He was in the place I'd left him.

I watched him from the doorway.

He was lying on his side, his legs pulled up to his chest.

I hated Tony so much for what he had done.

He was such a low-life bastard!

He had ruined Frank's life.

I walked into the room and sat on the bed next to Frank.

"You doing okay?" I asked even though I knew I wouldn't be met with an answer.

He wasn't okay.

It was silly to even think that, let alone ask straight out.

I climbed onto the bed more and lay next to him.

He had his back to me but I didn't mind.

I looked up at the stars and starting wishing on them like real ones.

None of them were shooting ones though so they probably wouldn't come true.

I wished they would though.

Frank relaxed a little and moved onto his back so he was looking up at the ceiling too.

I wanted to hold his hand but I wasn't sure if he'd like that.

We hadn't shared any intimate moments since Saturday morning.

It was Tuesday now and I craved them.

I didn't want to make him uncomfortable though so I had kept my distance.

There was nothing wrong with hand holding though, right?

It was harmless.

I hesitantly reached across the bed until I found his hand.

I think he'd been expecting it because his fingers laced through mine pretty quickly.

At least I knew my Frank was still there.

He just needed time.

That was understandable.

And I would give him all the time he needed.

No way was I going anywhere.

I was looking after my Frank and no one was going to stop me.


I have a feeling that we'll be reaching the end of this story soon.

It feels like it's time to end it.

-Beth :3

I'll Be Your Gerard If You'll Be My FrankWhere stories live. Discover now