"Because I told her to princess." Duncan said glaring at her. "And what I say goes. Now get in position"

She just grumbled while grabbing the ball and talking her position.

They were up against Owen, Nick, Beth, Leshawna and Izzy.

The game started and with two balls to each team. Leshawna and Nick throw their balls but the bass team ducked. Kadie caught the balls as soon as they bounced off the glass then passed them to Geoff and Duncan. Together, they threw the balls at the Gopher's strongest player, Owen.

The bass team cheered seeing that Duncan's plan work and one by one the gopher members fell.

The bass cheered again, finally winning a match.

"I think we should do that all over again so Harold, sit the next one out too." Ordered Courtney

"But I say the last one out." He stated

"It's for the good of the team." She said as Geoff pat Harold on the back.

As the team went on the court to talk strategy, Sadie, Bridgette, Mia-bella and Harold were bench warmers.

"Hey Harold" Mia-bella called as she came to sit beside his sulking form. "Does playing really mean that much to you?"

"Yeah." He said. "I thought this was my moment."

"Don't worry" she placed her hand on his shoulder simplistically. "I'm sure you get your time to shine. If not today then maybe another day. You never know, we've only just started the show. Just be patient."

"I guess you're right."

Chief blew his whistle signalling the start of the final match and in no time, people were going in and out of the court.

Both teams were desperate to win.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you." As she watch Sadie step on to the court only to step out again, she pulled out her phone and headphone. "Can you beatbox?"

"Never tried. Why?" He asked curiously

"I saw some sound guys the other night remixing the sounds of the contests and guess who was the star?" Smirking, she gave him the headphones, showing him the video.

After watch, he said, "You're right, I am good."

"And I can help you if you want. I have some experience with music."

"You'd do that for me?" He eyed her suspiciously

"Of course, I mean it's likely we'll be competing against each other but I'd still like to be friends."

"Me too" he gave her a small smile " thanks Bella".

At that moment, Geoff came and gave him the ball.

His gladly took it but since happiness dampened slightly when Duncan send him to the back of the court.

Quickly, the rest of the team took out each other leaving Owen for the Gophers and Harold for the Bass.

The Gophers cheered because the outcome was obvious but Harold took a fighting stance, ready for battle.

"Sorry dude but you gotta go down". Owen said as he threw three balls at him.

Everyone thought it was over but was shocked when Harold dodged all three balls.

"Time out!" Courtney yelled.

"That boy's got dodge. Where did you learn to do that?" Asked Duncan as DJ massaged Harold's shoulders.

"Figure skating". He said

"Harold that was awesome but dodging isn't enough." Geoff stated

"He's right. To win this, you either have to throw him out." Mia-bella started

"Which we all know you can't do." Duncan followed

"Bring in more players." She said

"Can't do that either." He followed again

"Or catch the ball. Can you do it?" She asked

"Definitely" Harold said as the whistle blew, signalling them back on the court.

Again, It was Owen against Harold. Both team desperate to win. The bass members chanting Harold's name.

Owen finally threw the ball, sending Harold straight into the glass.

Harold uncurled himself revealing the ball in his hands.

The bass team cheered and carried Harold out in victory.

That night, it was a relief for the Bass to not be the ones at the camp fire so they decided to get some early rest.

Duncan and Mia-bella were her in there bunk but while she was fast asleep Duncan was glaring at the buck above him.

"Harold." He called out.

"Yeah." Harold answered timidly, leaning over the edge of his buck to look at him.

"Let make something clear." His ice cold glare send chills down Harold's neck. "Don't get any ideas. Mia is mine, got it."

Not waiting for an answer, he turned his back to him quickly falling asleep.


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