Because I felt like it

Start from the beginning

I watch him intently. His gray, blue eyes focused on my face where it was hurt. His red and white bangs fell in front of his eyes making him look absolutely fricking adorable. He try's blowing them out of the way with a puff but fails. I push them up and out of his eyes. I run my fingers through his soft hair, mixing the two colors and drop my hand to his thigh. He freezes and looks me in my crimson eyes. The bright pink blush that develops on his face is cute. I look down also blushing at my actions. Holy shit, why are we so blushy and awkward? Probably because we're hormonal ass teenagers. When I look back up, he's nibbling his bottom lip. He does that when he's focused on something, that something being me.

"You know I could have cleaned it myself right?" I ask, playing with the hem of his shirt. "Yea, I know" he replied. I rolled me eyes and gently bopped is nose with my index finger. "Then why are you doing it?" "Because I felt like it," he says like it'll give me all the answers. He's now avoiding my gaze as he brushes the cloth over my bottom lip again.

"There" he says quietly. He starts pulling away but I grab his arm and pull him close to my face. His eyes widen with confusion, he's not used to me doing this. He opens his mouth to say something but I don't let him, I push my lips to his. His breathe hitches in the back of his throat and he drops the cloth in his hand behind me. He places his hands on my thighs. He doesn't respond at first still shocked but then I feel his lips move in sync with mine, his hands moving up to my inner thighs. I small gasps escapes my lips giving him time to slip his tongue in. God he tastes really fucking good. I push him down so I'm straddling him.

My hands intertwine themselves into his hair. His hands run down my back causing a shiver to run through my body. He stops at the curve of my ass and gently squeezed, pulling me closer into his body. He has a weird thing with his hair so I'm learning with every tug. Even though I was enjoy this and me being the cause of him moaning, for some reason I wanted more skin contact. No, not wanted... needed. I ran my hands down is chest and then up his shirt. I can feel every single muscle in his abdomen contracting under my touch.

He broke away from the heated kiss just to pull my shirt over my head and throw it to the side. I was expecting our lips to reconnect but I'm quickly pushed onto my back. Todoroki buried his face in my neck. His smell fills my senses causing my vision to blur. He has the smell of freshly fallen snow on the first day of winter, but with a mixture of a campfire. I don't know how it works but it does. My breathe stops for a split second when his lips find the space where my neck and shoulder meets. I can feel him smirk against me. He gently nibbles the skin in that spot sending me into hyperdrive. He trails back up, every once in a while leaving little love bites on my neck. His lips stop at my jawline and he pulls away, quickly pulling his shirt off as well throwing it in the same direction as mine. I run my hands down his stomach, stopping above his pants. He's sitting back on my lower half but it didn't stop there as his hips slowly moved in agonizingly slow circles... oh shit, he needs to stop that. Please. Oh my god don't move like that, this bitch knows exactly what he's doing to me. A small moan rings in the back of my throat. He leans down again deeply kissing me on the lips. His hands were placed on my lower stomach, his index fingers tracing my deep V-line.

Have you ever heard the saying all good things must come to an end? Well let me tell you, WHO EVER FUCKING SAID IT DIDN'T LIE!! Just when things where getting better someone had the audacity to FUCKING KNOCK ON THE GOD DAMN DOOR!! He pulled away quickly allowing me to catch my breath. "Hey, Todoroki. It's Friday man, you want to join movie night with everyone?" Oh my god, I'm gonna kill that red-spiky haired bastard! "Yea I guess, sure. Just give me a second" he said somewhat out of breath. He's still hovering over me looking up at the door. I smacked him gently in the stomach mouthing up at him 'Dude! What the fuck!' He mouthed back at me 'What? It sounds like fun.' "Alright bro, see you in a minute. Oh wait, have you seen Bakugo? I went to knock on his door to invite him too but he seems to not be in there" Kirishima asked through the door. Todoroki looked down at me, smiled slyly and looked back up and said, "Actually no I haven't. He's probably in there and just not wanting to answer or something, I'll see if he'll come out of his dungeon." I flicked him on the forehead and mouthed 'Bitch.' He just winked at me and pecked my lips. But I grabbed his face pulling him back not letting him disconnect. His lips are so soft and warm. "Alright bro. See you in a second" Kiri laughed through the door. "Sure man" Todoroki responded but he was still kissing me so it came out all muffled. "What?" Damnit shitty hair just go the fuck away for 5 seconds. "I said sure man" Todoroki said but now free from my grip on him.

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