Chapter 3: Europe

Start from the beginning

"Wait what? Rogers is coming here? I thought he was in America." Peggy says.

"He was. But for the past...two weeks I think, hes been doing shows here, in Europe. Its extra publicity for the allies and more bonds for the government to win the war." He explains. 

"Well, look on the bright side." Peggy says, sneaking a hand onto Daniels leg and stealing a piece of his food, "We'll all be able to watch this 'Star spangled man with a plan' and finally get some real entertainment around here" And they all laugh once more and enjoyed the rest of their morning. Daniel whispers in her ear and she blushes. "Wouldn't you like to know." She whispers and teases back.Peggy kisses his cheek quickly before anyone notices, and they all continue to eat.


The next week:

"You know Rogers is gonna be here sometime today?" Daniel says. Peggy hums as an answer and snuggles closer, resting her head on his chest. "We should probably get ready, speak to Philips about the mission for the 107th and-"

"Daniel." She lifts her head to look into his eyes. "He won't listen. No matter how many times we confront him, he won't make a plan to rescue them."

"Peg, it isn't right." He turns around to face her. "They could be being tortured right now, even as we speak. They could all be dead. We owe it to their families to give them a solid answer if they are dead or alive. They at least deserve that."

"I know, darling." She places her left hand on his cheek and slides it into his hair. He closes his eyes and leans into her more. "And its admirable for you to want this so badly. But I've run my throat sore and dry trying to convince him of this." He sighs and she kisses his head. Daniel leans over her completely and now rests his head on her chest.

"I feel like I'm going crazy, Peg."

"I know. But you're not alone in this, I promise." He grabs her by the waist and pulls her closer. "I'm in this with you until the end,  Daniel. Don't you ever forget that." She feels his smile and he reaches up for a kiss; and she happily obliges.

Hours later and Steve Rogers and his group of lady dancers arrive. Daniel Sousa stays in his tent and draws out a plan from blueprints of Hydras base. He's determined to bring the rest of the 107th back, properly. Agent Carter watches from a distance, not close to stage, but not too far from Daniel. As the 'show' ends, Steve gives his speech. 

"How many of you are ready to help me sock old Adolf on the jaw?" The soldiers are not amused. "Okay. Uh. I need a volunteer."

"I already volunteered! How do you think I got here?" One soldier says, and everyone laughs; including the lady Agent. 

"Hey," Daniel nudges her.

"Hi," She says. She reaches up and kisses his cheek, and he pulls her closer by the waist.

"Bring back the girls!" Another soldier from the crowd roars. And the two lovebirds laugh while everyone else cheers.

"On a scale of one to ten," Daniel says lowly. "How bad was the show?" Peggy snickers.

"At best? I'd give it a 2." And they laugh again. "He lifted a motorbike, which was impressive, and the dance routine was alright. But what I've seen you do with your hands is much more impressive" She flirts. He draws her closer until their chest meet.

"You're trying to tempt me, aren't you?"

"Mmm, is it working?" Daniel laughs as she leans in.


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