Chapter Ten - The First Practice

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        I was already ready to go to Senex, I was just doing my streches at home so there was more time to actually dance. When I got to Senex, I saw a blur wait at the window. Of course, it was Mr. Henries. I slowly rubbed my hand near the edge of the door to find the door knob. I felt the handle and pulled it slowly. "Well, hello Violette. I've been waiting! Now go on to the stage and start makin' your dance!" said Mr. Henries in a low, but excited voice. 

        I some how found my way to the stage. I guess I knew my way around the theater, I can go to the stage even if I was blind. I began to stretch and do some leaps to get myself warmed up. I planned on doing a dance that I did when I was little. Believe it or not, I went to a teenage level Ballet class when I was little! I was dancing to the song 'Schuler' Polka by Offenbach. It was a very cheerful song, and I used to dance to this song everytime I danced. I pretty much remember all the steps to the song from when I was in class. 

        I just started to Practive, and Practice till it was night, so I waved good bye to Mr. Henries and went home, till the next day...

Sorry guys for the late update/upload! There will be more next week, since I have all minimum days next week! Goodbye for now!

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