Baby, I'm Missing You (Alec's POV)

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"Why are you so grumpy today?", that was Simon, who looked pretty exasperated as he waited for my answer. Why am I so grumpy? What was he talking about? Nothing particular occurred this day, I may had no see Mags in the morning but that couldn't have that effect on me, right?

"I literally had no idea about what are you talking about Simon.", the frown on his face was stronger now. "You have no idea? You have been ice-like the whole day, giving short answers to anything and almost jumped on that poor guy's throat when YOU knocked him off to the floor because you were not looking to the world in front of you and you legit don't know why I'm asking?", he was totally offended and by judging his tone nowhere near to happy.

I remained silent for a moment or two. I was definitely more affected that what I thought. "I'm sorry Simon. I'm having a rough day, that's all.", I said as the frown from before was replaced by a concern filled look directed my way, "Trust me, I noticed. Does this has to do with Magnus not coming to classes today?". Apparently it was pretty obvious or he just knew me that well, probably both.

"Maybe? We haven't been apart this long before. I'm starting to feel literally sick." , I replied and he stayed still, probably considering what he was about to say. "I assume you tried to call and text him, right?", I nodded, "Have you tried with Raph?" , Raph? Which Raph? The dreamy look that replaced the concern for a fraction of second told me he was referring to Santiago. Not even this could make miss a chance to tease him, "Since when do we call Santiago, 'Raph'? Is there something you haven't told your dear friend, Lewis?" , the as fast as expected reply came shortly after, "Uh? What? No, no, nothing!"

I laughed for the first time in the whole day, that was what I called a crush. "And the moon is made up of cheese, of course. Anyways, I'll take your advice and I'll go and ask Santiago to see if he got any news on Magnus. Would you like me to give your Raph a message?" , he even blushed just by bringing up his name, weird things love could make, Simon looked to the opposite direction and said, "Remind me... Why are you even my best friend?", I got up from my seat, said something about Simon loving me and started to look around to see if I could find Raphael.

It wasn't that hard. You can only pass unnoticed till a very slim extent if you're the captain of a sport team in this place. Finding a right time to talk to him without his court beside was a harder task. When I was finally able to ask him about Magnus, all I got was an almost as I worried best friend who was just as clueless about Magnus well been as I was. Which just made me worry about him even worse.

One day was bad, it passed tho. The second day was a daylight nightmare I couldn't wake up, like living up hell on earth, totally unbearable. I was down, going mad already. His absence was ripping me apart in a way I never considered to be possible. The thought of something bad occurring to him evolved from a simple thing I didn't want to think about to an assurance that didn't let me rest yesterday.

As I drove that afternoon to Magnus' house, I probably broke two or three transit laws as I did my best to be there as soon as I could. Thinking back to it, I should have just come in here in first place but I haven't been thinking straight lately. I parked the car in the lot front of his house and walked out from it.

As soon as I stepped out, Magnus' scent was pretty clear around the house but it was some kind of different. A little more sour and a lot less sweet compared to what I was used to but I was pretty sure it was him. As I realized he was in there, some of the worry I had in started to leave me.

I ring on the bell next to the door's frame and waited for someone to come to open the door for me. The time passed and no one came for a minute or so, I was already going back to the front part of the house, looking for way to break in, when a man, probably my dad's age, opened the door, maybe I won't have to break a window to see him after all.

You Know What? F**king Bite Me! (How Did You Dare To!?) [MALEC ~ Alec X Magnus]Where stories live. Discover now