Channeling Elizabeth Bennet

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 Days when the weather was rubbish and the television just showed old re-runs of Friends were the best sort of days. Apart, of course, from those spent gallivanting down at the beach in glorious sunshine – those were equally as good, Felicity thought.

Nearly two weeks had passed since she had completed her lifeguard test and the following interview with Hoppo a few days later, to assess her character and first aid skills that she had required in the run-up to the exam. All had seemingly gone well, and Felicity was just left waiting for that all-important phone call from the Head Lifeguard to assure her of her position. Kerrbox had tipped her off via text earlier that the day had finally come and she had better batten down the hatches and wait. And so she waited, but she did not wait alone.

Her neighbour Meg, with whom Felicity had become fast friends with, had decided to join her for moral support and ice cream on the couch. They were huddled under blankets, blocking out the sound of the rain lashing against the windows with an Adele album turned up way too loud, periodically and impatiently glancing down at the telephone lying on the coffee table, waiting for it to jump to life.

“It’s getting kind of late,” Meg said, turning to Felicity, “are you sure he was meant to call today?”

Felicity nodded, shrugging. “Kerrbox messaged me this morning saying that Hoppo was definitely going to ring me today. Apparently he discussed it with him, but wouldn’t tell me if I got it or not.”

“Maybe it slipped his mind and he’ll call tomorrow?” Meg offered, glancing out the window. It was already dark outside and the rain was coming down in buckets. The occasional clap of lightning would override the sounds of Adele’s voice box and the infomercial playing on the television – they had been too lazy to change the channel after a vintage episode of Arnold had wrapped up.

Before Felicity had a chance to reply, the phone started ringing loudly. Without hesitation Felicity lunged at it and answered, “Hello? Felicity here!”

Instead of Hoppo’s voice on the other line, it was Maxi that answered her. “Fliss! Hey has Hop called you yet?” he burst out, barely taking a breath. “Did you get it? Jesse’s here too, he says “Hi” and also wants to know if you got it – did you?”

Felicity fell back onto the sofa, a sigh of deep frustration escaping her. Meg cocked a worried eyebrow at her, and Felicity gave her a dismissive wave of the hand, rolling her eyes. “Hey, Maxi. Hoppo hasn’t called yet, so I can’t tell you anything as of yet.” She said, “He could be calling any moment now, so I’d better go – you scared the shit out of me, man, I thought you were him for a second. Got me all excited. Anyway, I’ll give you a ring back as soon as I know anything.”

Hanging up, she gave Meg a sideways look. “My heart can’t handle this, it’s racing.”

Just please don’t freak out on me when he does call, alright? I’m not the one trained in CPR here.”

“I think I have a defibrillator under the sink somewhere…” Felicity said, glancing back towards the kitchen.

Meg’s jaw dropped slightly, “You’re joking, right?”

“Of course I am!” Felicity grinned, “Jesus, where do you think I’d get a defib from?”

Just then, the phone that she was still clutching in her hand, starting vibrating again. Felicity’s eyes shot up to meet Meg’s, as her breathing hitched. That had to be Hoppo; she knew it.

“Answer it!” Meg urged her eagerly.

Felicity shook her head, her eyes wide and panicked, as she thrust the phone out to her friend. “I can’t!”

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