chapter 3 ♡

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*you get to taco bell and park the car and get out, when you get inside you see a group of boys in the corner and alex sees them then he grabs your hand but you don’t care, you guys order then go sit down alex is still holding your hand then a boy from the table walks over to your table*
??: aye wassup alex
*they to the hand shake thing that boys do lmao*
a: aye da boyyy, this is y/n , y/n this is carlos
c: yo wassgood boo, you fine as hell *hes lookin at chu up n down*
y/n: thanks 😂
c: can i get yo instagram
y/n: yea fs iss @yxng.y/n
c: ight i’ll hit you up sometime cutie😉
y/n: okay*youre mad blushing*
*you look back at alex and you could tell he was mad*
y/n: hey whats wrong
a: nun
y/n: if you don’t tell me ima leave yo ass here
a: .....
*you get up, and start walking away, alex gets up after you and grabs your wrist*
a: wait wait , iss just...
y/n: quit actin all brand new and just tell me
a: damn alright, well it’s just i really like you and carlos is my bsf and i saw the way he looked at you, i know your going to get with him😔*he says will looking down*
y/n: i really like you too alex, i won’t get with carlos * you lifts his head up and put your hand on his chin and you two slowly leans in, then right when you two were ab to kiss you then you hear*...

the loml 😪💤Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora