chapter 47: It's Not Always That Easy

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"Finn? I'm coming in now!", Amelia informed her son before she opened the door of his and Ruby's room. There, the eight-year was sitting against the wall hugging his legs sadly. She recognized herself in this pose. He was looking at the floor in shame and didn't react when his mother sat down in front of him. "Baby, what happened? Since when are you part of such dangerous stuff? You know that stealing is bad, Finn. This could have gotten you, dad or me into big trouble."

Owen stood outside of the room, secretly listening to the conversation, because it was just as important to him to know his son's reason as it was to his wife. This kind of behavior simply didn't fit him.

"Mommy, I wanted...I just wanted to...", the little redhead started when his voice broke and he had to cry.

"Does it have something to do with Matt?", the neurosurgeon asked, while she embraced her boy in a motherly hug.

"Yes...his friends told me, that if I ever wanted to talk to him again, I'd have to steal gummy bears for them, otherwise they wouldn't let me and hurt Luca as soon as he gets to be at our school. Until then, they wanted to hurt Ruby and Liam.", Finn sobbed.

"You should have talked to someone about that, sweetie! What did Matt say?", Amelia wondered, feeling bad for the eight-year old.

"He was sick today.", her son mumbled ashamed and sad.

"I will talk to Mrs. French about that tomorrow, but you understand that your father is right with the two weeks of house arrest you got, right?", the brunette wanted to make sure. Finn nodded and let his mama wipe away the tears from his cheeks.

Owen felt somehow bad, now that he knew the reason behind his child's actions. Finn probably didn't have it easy, which broke his dad's heart, but the punishment had to happen. He went downstairs to cook some food for the three of them, hoping Amelia would talk to him again or at least eat something.

A few minutes later, Finn and her appeared in the kitchen's doorway. The young redhead was holding his mother's hand as they entered the room, while Owen turned around to them. He could see in his son's eyes how much he had scared him.

"Cou...Could I eat some of that?", Finn asked very quietly, almost in a whisper and shyly bit his bottom lip.

"Of course you're allowed to eat some of that, Finnie!", the trauma surgeon answered, feeling incredibly sorry. He started to walk into his son's direction to hug him and as soon as he was sure that Finn wouldn't shy away, he cuddled him tightly.

"I am sorry, daddy!", the boy sadly apologized and hid his face in his father's neck.

"Me too, baby!", Owen replied honestly.

Meanwhile, Amelia filled three plates with the pasta and put those onto the table. When her husband noticed how hers was as full as theirs, he felt very happy, because that had to mean she was finally feeling better.

This assumption sadly didn't last long, as Amelia had to run into the bathroom after only three forks of noodles to empty her whole stomach. Finn immediately jumped from his chair to help his mama.

"Mommy!", he yelled loudly. He could see how sick his mother was and really wanted to do something. But when he reached the bathroom, she already rinsed her mouth, which meant he could only see how pale her face was.

"I'm fine baby, just keep eating.", the brunette ordered with a little smile. Suddenly, Owen stood in the doorway and looked at her with worried eyes. "What?", she weakly asked. "I know I have looked sexier.", she joked, but stopped grinning, because her husband didn't really find it funny. Amelia slowly walked over to him and caressed his beardy cheek. "As I said, it's just a will be over soon."

Family StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora