Katsuki Needs To Keep A Better Eye On His Dumbarses, He Let One Stray...

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Chapter 2:
Character Count: 6313
Word Count: 1141

Katsuki is pissed, but what else is new? He thinks he has every right to be because one of his dumbarses are missing and he's stupidly only just noticed. He's not worried, it's just, who knows what crap he could be up to and that could reflect badly on him and on the school. At least, that's the stupid excuse he tries to convince himself of. It's half-hearted and doesn't seem to work as well as of late, but he doesn't have time to dwell on it because he's searching for an electric-blond. He thinks he finds one too because there's a flash like lightning coming from outside of the shop and the air crackles heavily with electricity and static.

He bolts in that direction, his hands popping in anger before he even sees Denki. His other dumbarses are hot on his heels, but he can see someone touching Denki when he's in his Idiot Mode and he just sees red. Suddenly he's dragging Denki away from them and shoving him at the three behind him. It doesn't occur to him that this might panic the poor boy, he just wants him safe and with them. A thought occurs to him though and he glances at Ejirou. "Search him!" He barks. He does so immediately and shakes his head.
"All his pockets are empty," Ejirou informs him.

Katsuki turns back to the people in front of him, "Where the fuck is his shit! I know for a fact he had his goddamn wallet, it's why we came here in the first place and he was pissing me off with emoji's just five minutes ago, so cough up his phone too." Probably why I didn't notice he was gone, his brain supplies. What happens next is a blur. Some kind of fight breaks out, but Katsuki isn't outnumbered for long. It's three against two, when Ejirou and Mina join in. The petty thieves drop their stolen goods and Katsuki rifles through the pile, pocketing Denki's slightly cracked phone and singed wallet.

Then the police arrive and they get to present their provisional licences and be seen as Heros. They help the police gather up all the stolen items and then they're gone because the shopping centre is actually unscathed and they easily arrested the two thieves. Katsuki, Mina and Ejirou just lounge around, waiting for Denki and Hanta to come back. After a little time though, Ejirou decided to pee and check on them.

Hanta had guessed that Denki needs to pee when he felt fingers scrabbling at his crotch and looked down to see Denki pawing at his own as well. He'd mentioned the word and Denki had used all his motor skills possible to nod his head. Hanta vaguely wonders if that's where he was headed beforehand, so scoops him up and hurries off in case he can't hold it for much longer.

With the fact he lost all other functions entirely, he's surprised the boy doesn't lose control of his bladder. Maybe it's from years of practice? Probably something he had to learn when he was younger. Like how other children learn not to pee when they sneeze or when they're scared, Denki had to learn not to pee when he short-circuited. He's glad his friend didn't though because he knows how embarrassing that would be and isn't sure if he could deal with the secondhand embarrassment. Helping him pee will be hard enough, he thinks as he unzips his friend's trousers. He bites his lip as he pulls him out.

He can't deny that he's thought about touching his friend before, but never like this. It's not sexual at all and he manages to focus on the task at hand. He makes sure he's aimed for the urinal and tries to tell him, "It's okay to pee." In his current state, he doesn't seem to understand and looks like he's trying to clench harder. Hanta just sighed and brings his hand over to his stomach. He gently feels around and puts pressure on his bladder, forcing the other to pee.

Denki whimpers and he tries to shush and comfort him, before he feels eyes on his back. He looks up and a man has just come out of a cubicle and is looking at them with his eyebrow raised.
"Is everything okay?" He asks, wondering if he should be worried for the blond.
Hanta nods, "He's fine, he's just out of it. He was mugged, so we just have to wait for him to go back to normal."
"Oh," The man says, shrugging as he watches Hanta shake Denki off, before putting him back into his trousers.

Hanta moves over to the sink and the man grabs Denki's arm. Denki, of course, panics. "Hey!" Hanta shouts, grabbing him with wet hands and pulling him back, "I'm here," He says and Denki clings to him again.
"That's gay man," The man says, scrunching up his face.
Hanta scowled, "Well, what do you expect me to do? I couldn't let him pee his pants, I had to help him because he's my friend."
"Yeah, just friends..." The man says, raising his eyebrows in what's supposed to be a knowing look.

At that point, Ejirou walks in and the man laughs, "Careful, there are two gays in here."
Ejirou blinks at him, confused and taken off guard, "They're bi..." He mutters absent-mindedly, before peeing.
"Wow, this bathroom is filled with gays," The man mutters, as Ejirou washes his hands and grabs Hanta.
"We're Bi," He says, scowling at the man as they leave.

They make their way back to Mina and Katsuki. Katsuki spouts some nonsense about needing to hold onto Denki in case he wanders off again, so links him on his right. Everyone knows he still has a hard time with feelings, especially admitting them to himself. They can easily see through his excuses, so are fine with the way he shows his affection, for now at least. His defences seem to be breaking down, so maybe it'll change in the future? Maybe not? They're content now and that's what matters.

Hanta is linking Denki on his left and that seems to be enough for him because he finally lets go of Hanta's, now probably stretched, top. Instead, he grabs onto Ejirou and Mina's coattails and they think it's cute. It's almost like they're all connected in a never-ending circuit. They can see Denki is trying to speak, so stop to listen.

"I love you," Tumbles out of his mouth and their hearts swell. They all quickly say it back and loudly, easily letting Katsuki mutter it too. Trying to conceal the fact he did it at all, by his voice being drowned under their voices. They know he said it though, but won't call him out on it. They're happy right now and that's what matters, as they slowly walk back to UA, Denki okay and safe in their arms...

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