"Okay, she's in last room on the left at the end of that hallway." She points to the next corridor. "The keypad code is 9797548 but Vincent went in there as soon as he heard you guys attack."

"Thanks, Scarlett." Bastian smiles a little too kindly as he pulls away.

She visibly relaxes and a deep breath escapes her as she all but sags against the wall in relief. And then Bastian shoots her in the heart and the forehead, both targets hitting bulls-eye. Her last expression is one of shock before she falls to the floor as blood oozes out of her wounds. I look back to my Beta to see him blow at the smoke of the gun with a wink which makes me roll my eyes in amusement.

When we hear rushed footsteps making their way in our direction we run into the next hallway and to the last room. I punch in the code before kicking open the door only to freeze at the sight before me. My blood runs cold and my heart hammers away in my chest as I hear Bastian shoot down more guards behind us before stepping in.

"Fuck!" He mutters as he takes in the sight before us.

Olivia is tied to a chair with a bomb strapped to her belly. The timer is on and we have less than ten minutes to stop it. She's crying uncontrollably and I try to convey to her with my eyes that everything will be okay. Vincent sits in a chair in one corner of the room with a syringe in his hands and I immediately recognize the liquid as wolfsbane.

"You handle that bomb while I kill this fucker." I mind link Bastian before we spring into action.

Vincent grins devilishly as he drops the syringe on his chair before taking a swing at me. But his cheery expression drops the moment I growl furiously and snap his arm in two. He screams in agony before kneeing me in the stomach. I'm winded momentarily before I wrap my hands around his throat and pin him to the wall. He turns blue in the face just like he did to my mate before I let him go. A loud wheeze escapes him when I punch his ribs repeatedly and growl in satisfaction when I hear them crack.

At first I planned to take him back to my pack and punish him thoroughly for what he did to my mate but as soon as I saw him my blood lust took over. I'm going to finish him today and put a stop to Olivia and I having to look over our shoulders. He's going to die by my hands and remember my face as death takes him.

By now I've tired him and he's losing the battle. He kicks and punches at me before taking a knife out of his waistband and swiping me with it. I pay no mind to the numerous wounds he makes to my leg and abdomen. Instead, I grab the knife from him before stabbing him over and over. He wails in agony but I show no mercy, just like he showed none to my mate.

"Atticus!" I hear Bastian call from behind me.

I take Vincent's head and slam it repeatedly into the concrete until I hear his skull crack. He screams and thrashes in pain before I shoot him twice. Turning, I run towards Olivia and Bastian to see that he's stopped the clock on the bomb. I help take it off her before pulling her into my arms and kissing her fiercely. Her skin is wet with tears as she kisses me back with equal passion. Tingles explode on my skin at the contact and her delicious scent of oranges and vanilla wraps around me like a comforting embrace. Bastian works on taking the chains off Olivia before walking to the door and calling for someone to get a car ready.

"I love you so much." I whisper as I pull away to cup her face.

"I love you too." She cries as she closes her eyes and rests her forehead against mine tiredly.

"Watch out!" Bastian yells and Olivia cries out in pain just as he tackles Vincent to the ground.

She points to her leg and my eyes widen in horror when I see the empty syringe sticking out of it. Taking it out, I quickly pick her up as she begins to scream in agony. Bastian rips Vincent's heart out before running to me and we leave the building.

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