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You remember, We both used to laugh at the common phrase,  "It hurts in there!" It was so much fun to be with you. Those 13 years I spend with you We always laughed at these cliche type lines. I never understand what is meant by in there? I always thought this "in there" is HEART,  means It hurts in heart  when someone leaves.I always thought this is some physical pain.

But Now I understand,

oh my girl now I know , I really understand this now because YOU leave me. You leave me like I am no one. You move on without me. 

Now I understand, 

what is meant by " in there". this in there is somewhere in my soul. You leave and take something with you and  that was my soul. You leave and It hurts in my soul , it feels empty , you know like there is always this voice nagging me to talk to you , to ask you "Why? Why you did this to me? " But I can't ask you because I told you I will always stand with you in your every decision and this is your decision to leave me alone so here I am accepting your choices.

Now I understand, 

 why It is said that "Every one leaves ". You were my "Everyone". Oh girl I miss you , the way you laugh and used to cover your mouth with the back of your hand ,those hair bangs which always used to fall on your face whenever  you were writing something , that shine in your eyes, the way we used to hold hands , I miss everything about you my Love , everything . You were my best friend.You still are very beautiful but the problem is now you are not Mine and 

Now I understand, 

what it felt like when it hurts in there.

That last chat I have with you , you said "If you want to stay then Stay and If you want to leave then leave. It doesn't matter now for me ."

You dont know how much these lines broke me and really It hurts in there But as always you laugh on this phrase. 

But this time you laugh alone, because It was me  who understands now what it felt like when "It hurts in there ".

In the end I just want to say to you I wilk stay ofcourse to hold your hand whenever you are alone ,  I still love you and I always will no matter how much it will hurt me IN THERE !

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