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It's been 4 years since I moved to Hawaii and it's been really fun. Me and my sister are even close.

Today was the last day and I have spent it all with my sister. My boyfriend is coming with me because he wanted to go back home to.

I hug my sister tight not wanting to leave with tears in my eyes, "I love you Jayeun" I hug the last time and walk into the airport with my boyfriend.

I was able to get a great boyfriend called Kim Songhi. He is really kind and looks after me and my sister. I sit into my seat and look at him, "Don't worry I love you too" he laughs and starts to fall asleep.

I put my head on his shoulder and close my eyes wanting to sleep with him.

I just didn't realise after I fell asleep somebody pushed inbetween us and stayed there until I woke up.

I put my phone into my pocket and wake up Songhi from his 2nd nap and get up grabbing our bags and pulling them down and giving some to him.

We walk out the airport smelling the air of Korea,"Missed this place" Songhi whispers. He starts walking and I quickly run up to him and hold his hand.

"Where are we going?" He points at an apartment block two streets away and I nod my head in an understanding way.

We arrive at the apartment and he unlocks his room door. The place was clean and was well done. He looked at his phone and smiled getting a call. He leaves the room making me confused but I accept it and put my bags down and sitting on the couch.

I turn the TV on and watch a show that automatically came on. Songhi walked past putting a coat on, "Songhi! Where are you going?" He looks at me but just walks out.

I sit down again and shake my head thinking where he might be going. I carry on watching the show and ignore what happened.


It's been 5 hours and he hasn't came back. The door opens and Songhi walks in and I run up to him. He doesn't look normal, "Are you okay baby?" He slaps me and pushes me to the floor.

"Wh-what?!" I shout and get up trying not to feel weak, he slaps me again I stumble backwards at his force. He punches me in the nose and it starts bleeding "STOP IT SONGHI!" I shout at the top of my lungs.

I have had enough of being abused by people "STOP IT" I cry out while he starts punching me as I fall to the floor.

He gets up and leaves and goes to his room walking side to side. I start to cry and go to the kitchen wiping my nose and holding it to stop the bleeding.

There was a knock on the door and I quickly splash water on my face and wipe it again. I run to the door to see a man probably in his 20's stood there "Hi! Omg-" He walks inside and takes his shoes off.

He runs to the kitchen and grabs a towel and dabs it on my face. I was too tired to care what he was doing I just wanted a bit of help and I let him.

He stops and looks at me "I'm Cameron Philip" He smiles "You're beautiful!" I shush him knowing my boyfriend is in the room "My boyfriend is here" He quietens down.

"What happened here" He said while looking on the floor and seeing blood on the carpet, "My boyfriend attacked me just then" I whisper.

Cameron looks at his phone and looks back at me "Call me Cam but I gotta go and please be safe and look after yourself. I live above you so just come to me if you need help"

He walks out and I smile letting out the breathe I didn't know I was holding. I start cleaning the floor feeling regretful for bringing Songhi.

He leaves from his room and walks up to me and kicks me away "Clean the house b'tch" he walks out leaving me speechless.


I wake up feeling the cold floor touching my face. I open my eyes wider seeing I slept on the floor. I get up and walk to Songhi's room but he wasn't there. I grab my dance bag and go to the nearest dance studio which was down the street.

I use the elevator down while waiting I post a picture saying i'm back. The elevator stops and I step out the building being hit by cold morning air. I start heading towards the dance studio.

I arrive and open the doors, some of the people at the office inhale looking surprised but I ignore it and walk into a random one onto my right and it was full.

There were some boys staring at me and I also ignore it and place my bags down and start dancing while looking at myself in mirror to spot any mistakes I do in my dance.

I was to into the music I didn't notice someone walk in. And the somebody was Songhi. He pushed me to the floor and everyone looked at him, "Please Songhi not now!" He started hitting me hard "DON'T LEAVE THE HOUSE YOU B'TCH!"

The same boys run up to me and pull me away from him. Memories flow through my head and I almost recognise these boys but I ignore them and push them to the side, ignoring them.

"KATIE IS BETTER THAN YOU!" The name he said reminds me of someone "Wait.. you're cheating on me?!" I shout back at him.

He laughs and nods his head "Where were you when you left then?!" He laughs again "The club.. the girl came from Korea to Hawaii and came back with us.. the girl sat between us" I was shocked and I get up and slap him. He starts to chase after me.

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