unsual feeling

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i took my phone out,went into a cafe and called tae.
"hey can you come get me i'm getting a weird feeling and i'm not down to get kidnapped."
"oh yeah sure i'm on my way."
the called ended and jin stayed in the cafe. he order some drinks. one for himself and tae. he didn't get anything for kai because kai would probably yell and be mean.

i saw tae's car and i went outside. i got into the car and i went to the back assuming that tae was with his boyfriend. i went to to the car quietly and quickly.
"here i brought you something." i said as i gave him the drink.
"thanks. so what happened. also my asshole isn't here so you can sit in the front." he said shrugging with his eyes focused on the road.

he pulled over and i jumped in the front. he looked at me. he grabbed my chin and pulled me in. i didn't pull back and then he kissed me.
"sorry i just kinda mis-"
"it's okay. now drink it before your "boyfriend" sees it." i mumbled the rest. i heard his deep chuckle. i looked down as i sipped my drink. i missed him so much. it's been a long time. i held in my tears and i waited until i got home.

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