Once We Enter with kyoyas feelings

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Haruhi POV
I was standing at the doors of the entrance once kyoya opened them I felt my heart sink into my chest, I was afraid of their freak out after the whole accident and the fact that kyoya found out my only secret in the club that I have to keep since kyoya said "tell them the reason you have to work here is because you have to pay 8 thousand yen as your school payment for the vase accident" I nodded since I was ok with the excuse even though I actually had to since I was the reason it shattered on the floor.
After me and kyoya walk in the clubs heads all turned towards me seeing I was back with a bandage on my head they ran over quickly asking questions but they couldn't see I was clenching onto kyoya's sleeve because I was nervous and scared I didn't know what to say but kyoya gave them a glare and said "will you all chill out he jest got back, hes ok it will take a week or more of the stitches to heal but for now jest chill out and be easy on him, since we're gonna need him to last since he's going to be working with us in the club" I loosened my grip on kyoya's sleeve until I let go, he rubbed my back a little and waited for the club to chill out before saying anything else.
Kyoya POV
I stair at haruhi after the club calmed down I was rubbing her back until she was fully calm since the club made her nervous when they surrounded her but I heard tamikie announce "we accept haruhi and we will be glad to have you apart of this host club since were all a family here" after tamikie looked at haruhi and said that to her I got weird feelings wanting to tell tamikie to get out of her face but I didn't know why i felt this way even about her towards a best friend.
Weeks kept going buy I watched haruhi with all the girls and how good she was at flirting even if she would be better with flirting with men but I dont think I'd like that.....I pause thinking "did I really jest say that about her?" Shes a girl after all but what's up with my feelings lately, I kept watching haruhi more lately and I couldn't realize why and one week tamikie was talking to me about the feeling of love, I realized I dont know that feeling I've never felt it he listed all the feelings and I kept having each one of then not realizing it was towards haruhi, I actually liked the secret girl of the host club after all this time the secret girl of the host club was the women I was falling in love with.

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