The Greatest Meeting of All Time

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(M= Me, A= Arnold, R= Rez, F= Francis, C= Carmen, FA= Future Adam, TG= the guy, E= everyone)

R: I thought I was goner.

Rez spat out some of the lava. And whipped a glob off of his glove.

Arnold was patting lava out of his ears.

Francis wiped lava off his shoulder pad.

A: I saw all my point's flash away before my eyes. All I could hear was father saying, "you blew it, Arnold. No untold riches for you."

I got out and started shaking the lava off me.

I walked over to Carmen and she was holding something.

M: Where's grandpa?

C: I don't know, but he was here. Isn't this a piece of his armor?

Carmen handed me the piece of armor.

We look in front of us and saw the door to level 5. It glowed brightly.

M: Carmen it's the passage. Help me open it.

(Francis P.O.V.)

I sat down on a rock next to Rez because there was something I needed to discuss with him.

F: Red flag, Rez. We have to talk about the guy. Highly sensitive. 

R: What about him?

F: I've been reading my tech manual. It speaks of a deceiver within the game. Someone who will mislead you down a path where no one will survive. I think Adam's the deceiver.

R: What do you suggest?

F: We'll have to get rid of him or risk losing the game.

R: What about Carmen?

F: Her, too.

Rez and I looked at each other and nodded and we walked over to Adam and his sister.

(Adam P.O.V.) 

C: Adam how much time do we have left?

M: Five minutes. 

The guy's walked over to us

R: What happens in five minutes?  

C: This place get's flooded with players from around the world.

F: Oh, great competition.

C: The toymaker will take over their minds. That's why we have to shut down the game! 

I then realized she told the guy's the truth.

M: SHH! Carmen!

R: What is she talking about?!

I shrugged my shoulders, and was about to explain to them what will really happen if we don't finish the game.  

Carmen glared at me and I knew I had some explaining to do.

C: You didn't tell them yet, did you?

M: I was getting around to it.

F: Deceiver's.

A: What about the other side of level five?

C: There is no other side. You'll be imprisoned in the game. Game Over.

M: She's right, I'm sorry I never told you guy's the truth earlier. I know I sound extremely selfish and I know you guy's feel betrayed right now but you just gotta listen to us.

R: That doesn't matter Adam. We're not letting you shut down this game. Now you're gonna see just how fast that counter of yours can count backwards.

Carmen thrusted her hand out towards Rez. But he stood his ground

C: You have to go through me first... Game boy.

M: Now, listen to me I'm the guy!

R: Stop saying you're guy. We all know that you're not him! 


A bright white light shined in a cave behind us and a tall man who looked a lot like me wearing a shiny silver version of the suit I was wearing appeared and walked toward us.

?: But I am.

R: And you are...?

TG: Adam, Francis, Arnold, Carmen, Rez long time no see.

C: How do you know us?

TG: After all this time you still don't recognize me, huh diaper lady?

Carmen had a look of shock on her face and suddenly she realized knew who she was talking to. 

C: Adam is that you?

M: Carmen I'm right here, that guy's not me?

C: Adam no one calls me diaper lady except for you.

I walk towards the guy and he smiled at me and It was like I was looking in a mirror.

FA: Hey past me I know this is a little shocking for you.

M: This will take a little while to get used to. Also why did you change the suit to silver what was wrong with orange?

FA: Silver just suits me better.

R: So if he's future you then you really are the guy.

FA: Exactly. Now here's what were gonna do, I say we go in, we beat this unwinnable level and get to the other side, where untold riches and a bounty fit for ten king's awaits us.

A: I knew it.

Rez look's at me and realized he was wrong.

F: Now, he's definitely the guy.

M: Francis you do realize that the guy you're talking to is an older version of me right.

F: Oh yeah.

C: But it's impossible.

The older version of me then motioned for me come over next to him we both got down on one knee and everyone else followed suit.

FA: Nothing's impossible.

M: If we join together and battle as one.

FA: We play on each other's strengths.

M: And help cover each other's weaknesses.

FA: We can accomplish anything and we will accomplish everything!

M: That's right, together we can do anything!

FA: But first... I think's it time our soon to be guy here get's himself an upgrade.

M: Upgrade? What are you talking about?

FA: You'll see.

He hand's me a suit upgrade and I started to glow a bright shade of orange. After the glowing stopped I was now wearing a shiny chrome neon orange version of my suit that looked unbelievably powerful!

M: Wow this suit is amazing! I think I became a little taller.

We both stood up.

FA: Now, let's go whip this unwinnable level and show it who's boss!

M,FA: Are you with us?!

E: YEAH!!!

FA: Stand aside.

We got out of his way and he blasted a bright silver light at the door destroying it immediately!

We walked inside.

FA: Cake.

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