The Robocon

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After walking around for a few minutes, I saw what looked like a stadium off in the distance so I decided to walk towards it. As I got closer, I saw the name of the stadium said Rebel Rockets, and I saw robot parts flying out of the arena, when I got inside I noticed the audience was filled with millions of NPC's. A kid in a silver battle suit walked towards me.

(S: Silver Kid, SV: Savannah, M: Me)

S: A courageous new contestant! Welcome to the Robocon!

M: I need to get to level 2.

S: Well you came to the wrong place. This is the arena of misfortune. If you wanna get to level 2, you're gonna have to battle a mech.

I was then standing on a platform that began to rise.

M: How do I do that?!

S: I'll explain it to you when you get up there!

I looked up to see how high I was going. On the way up I saw myself on the jumbotron.

The kid from earlier was already up there. Standing there waiting for me.

S: Hey, there.

M: How did you get up here so fast?

S: That's not important right now. What is, just go out there in your battle mech and fight.

My wrists were then strapped down as 2 big boards with a battle suit mold clamped down on me. Once they opened I was now wearing an orange battle suit that was similar to grandpa's.

M: Wait a minute. Who am I fighting?

S: Her.

He pointed over to the other side of the stadium and I saw a girl with sky blue eyes, blonde hair that was tied into a ponytail, and she was wearing a purple battle suit.

S: Want some advice? Don't get too trashed and I win bonus points.

My wrists were then freed and the gate I was on opened to show I was standing on a giant robot version of the suit I was wearing.

I wasn't sure how it worked so I went right foot left foot.

M: Right foot, left foot. Right foot--Oh! OHH! HOW DO YOU WORK THIS THING?!

I was having a hard time walking while the girl who I was gonna battle was walking normally. She must've done this before.

The referee bot flew over and explained the rules.

"Ok, I want a good, clean robot fight. There will be no kidney punches, no rabbit punches, no eye gouging or ear biting, unless of course you cant help yourself."

After the rules were explained I decided to introduce myself to my opponent.

M: Hi. I'm Adam.

I reached out to shake hands with her but instead I ended up punching her by accident.

M: Oops.

She then got into a fighting stance and I knew what was about to happen.

M: Alright you wanna play like that, then bring it on!

She tried to punch me but I grabbed her fist at the last second and flipped her over.

She then got up and started cracking her knuckles.

SV: Hi. I'm Savannah.

Savannah then placed her arm out and looked like she wanted to shake my hand.

I wanted to accept but being a ex secret agent I knew not to let my guard down, but I didn't want to be rude.

M: Nice to meet you.

I then accepted her handshake only to get thrown over her robot and land on my back losing another life.

I then got up and I thought ok no more Mr. Nice Guy.

A gigantic number 2 appeared telling us round two was about to begin.

Savannah climbed up onto the rails and was about to push me over with a sneak attack but I moved out of the way in the nick of time. But she then swiped my feet and I fell down and she placed her foot on my chest looking victorious but that was all part of my plan. I swept her feet and she fell over. She got up and tried running at me but I jumped over her and she smashed into the wall.

M: OH! that's gotta hurt.

I then saw her life count appear and showed she lost 2 lives.

We were then in the third and final round.

We both got into fighting poses but I had a way to defeat her without actually hurting her. So what I did, was I climbed onto the rail and ran in circles getting faster each time around, until she got dizzy and hazed. I got down and just simply tapped her and that's when I knew I'd won. I saw her life counter drop down to 3. The crowd cheered for me!

M: I'm the winner! Yeah! Whoo! Yes!

I then saw the same Kid in silver walking over to me with his own robot.

S: Well, well, well. For a newbie you sure know how to fight.

M: Thanks.

S: Congratulations, and, uh, keep the suit.

He then extended one of his robot's fingers and flung me out of the arena.

M: HEY, HEY, HEY!!!!!!!!!!!

I was launched out of the arena and into Level 2.

Spy kids 3 Game Over rewrittenUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum