Chapter 3 || Goodnight lovely

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After you finished your paper you ripped your arm away from Cody you walked up to the turn-in bin by the door and turned your paper in. Cody followed you like a dog and turned in his paper too, even if he wasn't done with the paper. Then you sat back down and got your drawing notebook in front of you, while Kate was struggling on the paper, and Cody was staring at you.

About 15 minutes later Kate finished her paper and turned it in, and then sat back down in her seat. "Whatcha drawing there Y/n?", Kate asked you, Cody scoffed but didn't say anything. You looked over at Kate and responded, "Well I planned on drawing Tord from Eddsworld but I don't think it's turning out well...". Kate nodded and Cody was just glaring at her like she told him his mom was fat. After a few minutes, the teacher said to pack up and get ready to go, so you reached for your binder and notebook, but Cody had them up against his chest. "Why don't I hold your stuff for you Y/n~", You cringed but knew he wouldn't give up so you let him carry your things.

Kate giggled at your internal pain and walked out, expecting you to follow her. And to which, you did, with the add-on of Cody following you as well. "So I was thinking we could hang out after school, to catch up, since it's been a while since we have hung out.", Kate waited for your response and waited for you to catch up to her.

You looked at her and shrugged, but before you could say anything Cody yelled out, "Actually me and Y/n were gonna go to my house after school!". You sighed and looked at Cody, "Actually, I was gonna hang out with Kate after school, sorry not sorry.".

The hallways were crowded, and the heat was getting too hot to handle. You began to sweat, and so was Kate, but Cody got lost in the crowd. You three had every class together except for 5th block, and right now you were all heading towards 2nd block. Cody would eventually catch up so you didn't mind in this situation, since he still had your binder.

After weaving your way around the hallways, going down some stairs, and speed walking to the classroom door, you and Kate finally made it to class. The teacher waved but continued taking attendance, you were about to say something to Kate but the bell rang. You looked around and there was no sign of Cody, but he must've been caught in the crowd long enough to get stuck.

You and Kate walked over to the seats you both usually sit at. A group of creepypasta fangirls (there's 4 of them) were sitting in you and Kate's spot, talking among themselves. "You gotta be fuckin kidding me right now.", Kate barely whispered. You looked at her and then the other girls, who were now smirking and looking at the two of you. "Hey could you girls move, this is where we usually sit, and my friend is uncomfortable sitting anywhere else.", Kate looked at you and mouthed 'thank you'. You nodded to Kate and looked back at the girls, not noticing the other students looking at you and Kate. "I dunno~ maybe if Katelyn over there joins our group we'll move.", the snotty leader, Rebecca sneered.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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