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5 years after the snap.
"Mom Dad guess what?" Wanda called as she ran into the compound. Steve smiled he married Natasha 2 years ago and Wanda started calling her dad soon after. "What is it Wanda?" He called from the kitchen.
"I got into NYU!" Wanda said with a smile.
Natasha hugged her daughter. "That's great we'll have to invite everyone over for dinner!"
"What the Fy*k?" Cap asked looking at the camera.
Nat and Wanda looked at the camera and saw Scott Lang at the front gate waving his arms. "This has to be old footage!" Nat said. Wanda opened the gate and camera Scott jumped in his van and speed in. Everyone ran to the door just as Scott pulled up and jumped out.
"Lang we thought you were dead!" Steve said. "Hi Cap I got trapped in the qwantium realm and it was like 5 hours for me!"
Natasha was confused. "Scott your confusing me!"
"We may be able to use the qwantium realm to time travel and fix everything!"

"Tony go get your kids for dinner!" Pepper said. Tony laughed. "My kids u mean our kids!"
He went out back to the tree house. "Harley, Morgan come down for dinner!" He called. he's kids came down and smiled.
"Hi Pop!" Harley said with a smirk. "Jesus son I'm not that old!" He laughed. Morgan jumped into Tony's arms. "Dad please care me!" She ask demanded. Tony laughed and carryed her in.

"Hi Tony!" Cap said from the table. Tony frowned. "Rogers, nice to see your with your best friends wife after he turned to dust!" Nat cleared her throat and nodded twords Scott. "I thought u were dead!" Tony said with a look of confusion on his face. "I was trapped in the qwantium realm for what felt like 5 hours but was really 5 years here!"
Tony looked interested. "Are you suggesting?" Scott smiled. "Time travel, yes I think so!" Tony laughed. "Impossible!" Morgan grabbed his leg and pulled on his sleeve. "But you said nothing is impossible!" She smiled. "Fine I'll be by tomorrow!"

The fallowing day at the compound.
"And now to test this!" Tony said. Scott smiled. "Alright I'll go to the time after Civil War after Peter destroyed Tony's suits!" Than he disappeared. "What now?" Bruce asked. "He said pull him back in five minutes so we do just that!" Natasha said eating a PB&J.
Loki looked up from his book. "It's been 5 minutes pull him back!" Valkery stopped cleaning her sword and looked up at the clock. "As always your correct dear!" And like that Scott was back.
Thor spit out his beer. "Sh*t we just created time travel!" Steve laughed. "Now we have to go on a time hest!"

One time hest planning later!
Steve smiled. "Alright team you know your objectives, let's get it done for everyone not in this room!" Everyone noded and got on the pad to leave when Carol, Nebula, and Rocket arived.
"Do you wish to speak with our manager?"Shuri asked before her and Wanda started laughing.
Carol rolled her eyes. "New suits again?" She asked as Tony grined.    "O Hi Karen welcome back to earth, so what's in the sack?" He asked. Thanos's body and the infinity gantlet fell out as Carol grined.
Clint frowned. "But we planned a stupid elaborate time hest!" Thor laughed and patted his friend on the back. "Time travel does sound fun but I do want my friends back!"
Everyone noded and Bruce carefully picked up the gauntlet. "We need to study this and make a new gauntlet to reverse this!" All the smart people left as everyone else got ready for there friends to return.

A week later. "Alright we've studied the magic stone glove of destruction and figured out how to reverse it!" Tony said with a smile.
Bruce rolled his eyes and turned to his power point. "Alright so to reverse this we need to... Carol what are you doing?" Carol smiles. "Fixing the mess you people got us in!" She snapped before falling to the floor dead (Captian Marvel is so bad in the MCU, but comic Captian Marvel is better I've heard).

"Did it work?" Rocket asked just as Clint's phone went off. "My wife just yelled at me it worked!" He said after hanging up.

Everyone cheared as a crap ton of portals opened! "Mom!" Peter called as he ran to Natasha. Everyone ran to there friends and familys as Thor put up the welcome back banner and they held a great feast.

A mouth later.
"So Tony what should we do with this time machine?" Steve asked.
"I believe you owe a certain someone a dance!" Tony said before smiling at his friend, Steve thanked him before go back in time returning a second later but looking about a year older.
Sam smiled. "Can you tell me about her?" Steve grined. "You'll get to know her in time!" He said as Bucky laughed noticing Peggy in his arms. "You actually convinced her to come back with you!" Natasha smiled as Peggy jumped down. "Nice to see you too James, o and Tony you father said to tell you that he loves you!"
Tony cryed and smiled before Thanking Peggy. "What now?" Peter asked looking at the time machine. Steve look at it. "We keep it incase we need it!" He said with a smile. "Or if I have a history paper!" Peter said making everyone laugh.

AN: sorry no battle but yeah TIME TRAVEL!

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