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He will always be the forgotten one. This was the first thing he learned from his family at a very young age.

Unimportant. Not good enough. A failure. 

Brett knew it all along though nobody said it aloud. Perhaps he does not deserve that much attention for such obvious fact?

"Congrats, Guo! You must be so proud of your son!" 

"He is going to be a good doctor just like you. Like father, like son!"

"Oh, by the way, I heard about Briana's case and how she handled it at the court last week. She is such a brilliant lawyer!"

A group of people gathered in the living room of the Yang's house for a small Friday social. Brett stood outside the living room quietly and, if he could choose, he would rather hide himself in his room and practice for his upcoming audition instead of wasting his time here. 

He knew that this was supposed to be a celebration party for his siblings: his brother just received a position at a well-known hospital for his residency and his sister also happened to win a big case at the court as a young lawyer. 

And he, Brett, is a seventeen-year-old high schooler who just had an argument with his parents last night about applying to music uni and pursuing his career in music. Needless to mention how he felt about his siblings' achievements as the youngest child after his lawyer-sister and his soon-to-be-doctor-brother. A typical Asian family, huh?

But he, Brett, is never a typical Asian boy who makes his parents proud. Well, this is not quite right because he was sent to learn violin at four, which is a 'typical Asian thing' though. He was pretty 'Asian' until he failed his math classes and finally persuaded mom that medical and law school might not be a fit for him. 

He could never understand how his brother got an A on both biology and chemistry or how his sister won a national speech and debate tournament. He also did not understand why he is part of this family. He is nothing like his father, a successful businessman, or his mother, a prestigious professor. Something must went wrong when he was born. Maybe he was mistaken at the hospital or ––

"Brett? Why are you still standing here? I thought you came back from your orchestrate rehearsal twenty minutes ago?" Brett's mom almost bumped into her son when she decided to get something from the kitchen for their guests. 

Dang. Brett cursed in his head and turned to his mom, who seemed confused. "Uh, yeah. I was about to walk in and say hi before leaving for my math tutoring. I was, uh, in the bathroom for a while." Brett lied. The math tutoring was actually canceled because Ms. Brown was sick today. 

"Are you still going to your weekly math tutoring? I can call your teacher and tell her that we have some family plan tonight then you can stay for the party." Brett mom seemed hopeful that his son would be down for some quality family time if she asked him again.

"It's OK. I already missed the tutoring twice because of auditions and Ms. Brown would probably be upset if I am absent again." Brett shrugged his shoulders and hoped that his mom won't find out Ms. Brown will actually be absent tonight.

"But I thought you hate math tutoring? Are you jealous that me and Bryan are doing better than you?" Brett's sister suddenly showed up, "You don't want to stay and listen to dad's friends praising us, do you?"

Brett was speechless for three seconds before his brain could react. His sister is always straightforward, sometimes too much. "No. I just don't want to fail my math class again. I think I am gonna be late if I don't leave now. Tell dad's friends that I say hi." Not waiting for a response, Brett quickly walked away and left the house.

"BRIANA! Why do you always talk like that!" He could hear mom yelling at his sister before he slammed the door and fled.

"I am just telling the truth––" Of course. Thanks, sis.  

"Who was that?" The loud noise caught the guests' attention. 

"Sorry, that was Brett, our youngest son. He was rushing to a class after his orchestra practice."

"Orchestra? What does he play?" 

"He plays the violin." This was the last thing that Brett could hear before he pulled out his phone and called the first and only person that he could think of at this point.


"Hello? What's up, Brett?" The familiar, warm voice immediately brought Brett a sense of relief.  

"Hey Eddy..."


Unforgotten | TwoSetViolin - Breddy - Brett x EddyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum