Chapter 7

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 (Y/N) POV

 "Yeah, sorry about that by the way. And, you know what? Come to my room after dinner and I wanna plan something for old Marvin, over there. Hehe." Anti told me.

  "Okay, sure I'll come up whenever I'm done."  I responded and then continued eating.

  Anti ended up finishing his food first and bolted upstairs to his bedroom.  I finished my food a bit later end followed him up after thanking Google for the meal.

  "So you actually came.  Wow, I honestly didn't think you would."  Anti said with genuine shock. 

  "YOU DARE DOUBT ME MERE DEMON!"  I yelled making Anti laugh.

  "Well, I should probably tell you what were gonna do to that magic kitten, shouldn't I?  We're gonna sneak into his room and use a shrinking spell on him and mess around with him."  Anti said a bit too enthusiastically.

  "Okay, but- we aren't going to hurt him right?  I don't mind messing around but I don't want to hurt him."  I said a bit anxiously while reflexively going to adjust my blindfold but it was a better quality so it didn't need to be fixed.

  "Of course, otherwise everyone else would KILL me."  Anti said while ruffling my hair.

  "What are we waiting for then?  Let's go before he gets there first!"  I say, getting kind of pumped.

  We then exited Anti's room and began to walk over to a door that had playing cards decorating the exterior.  Anti led me inside, and it was crazy!  There were floating objects everywhere, and there were tons of shelves and stands full of spell books and sheets of old paper.

  "Aha!  Here's the one!"  Anti cheered proudly.

  "Get ready! I hear Marvin coming!"  I warn quickly.

  "Why's my door open?  Wait,  Anti, what are you two doing in here?"  Marvin asked worriedly before Anti quickly recited a spell and held out his hands to cast it.

  But Marvin was too quick for Anti, he used a reflective hex which made the spell hit me right in the stomach.  Anti rushed over to me with Marvin right behind him.  That was the last thing I saw before blacking out.

~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~

  I woke up and felt myself on a big squishy surface surrounded by an ocean of fabric.  I opened my eyes and sat up to look at my surroundings.

  I can't believe what I'm seeing, everything is HUGE!  Luckily my clothes and blindfold are my size.

  "(Y/N)!  You're awake!"  I heard a loud voice boom.  I squeeked as two giant hands scooped me up and raised up to face two giant green orbs with a silky black backround.

  "Anti?" I squeeked, shaking in fear and backing up until I felt the two digits behind me to prevent me from falling.

  "Yeah!  I'm so sorry,  I used the spell but Marvin reflected it and it hit you and now you're like, two inches tall!"  Anti apologised sitting criss-crossed on the bed I now recognize as his.

  "How long am I stuck like this?"  I asked now hugging onto Anti's index finger.

  "We don't know... but at least I can protect you until you get back to normal size!"  Anti said happily.

  I felt scared about this,  I mean-  I haven't even been here a full day yet, and everything is just crazy!

  "Wait-  does The Host or Wilford know yet?"  I ask as Anti begins to pet my head with his other index finger.

  "No,"  He sighed.  "We should probably go tell them.  They'll probably yell at me though."

  "I'm sorry Anti, it was my fault if I-"  "No, it's not your fault, don't worry about it."  He said starting to stand up, holding me against his chest so I don't fall.

  I hug onto his chest while he walks out to the living room where now The Host and Wilford sit.  I could feel his heart rate picking up, so I leaned against him more in an effort to calm him.  The Host looked up at him and put a bookmark into his book.

  "The Host questions Anti on whether he has seen (Y/N) anywhere for he could not find them."  The Host asked.

  "Yeah, I haven't seen them in a while, now that I think about it."  Wilford added in.

  "Uh-  the thing is- "  He holds his hands out for The Host and Wilford to see me.
  "They may be shrunk down to a few inches tall from an accident."  Anti finished quickly.

  I am looking up into Wilford's eyes and The Host's blindfold and I have never felt more afraid in my life.  I trust them both after them taking me in today but anything can be scary if its huge.  Wilford and The Host look at me in amazement, and care, and pity but I notice them looking up at Anti in frustration and rage.

  "The Host thinks the sight of the tiny (Y/N) is adorable, but he is furious with Anti for allowing and this to happen.  He then shouted at the Demon 'HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO SHRINK MY KID THE THE SIZE OF A TOOTHPICK IN LESS THAN A DAY?  I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!'  He then looked sympathetically at his tiny child with worry and pity."  The Host narrated aggressively.

  "Here, may I hold you (Y/N)?  I think The Host and Anti have to talk for a bit."  Wilford asked.

  I looked up at Anti, only to see him looking down at me, with a terrified look on his face.  I walk over to his index finger and hug it to reassure him, which causes him to smile a bit.

  "Okay, let's go Wilford."  I say, he then holds out his hand and I carefully slide onto it.

  He held me cupped to his chest and I get jolted a bit as I feel him run up the stairs into his room.  He closed the door and sat on the bed as he raised me up to his eyes to examine.  He had sparkles in them as he looked over my frail figure.

  He then pulled me towards his cheek and pressed me to it, in an attempt to hug me.  I hug him back and a moment later feel myself being covered in water, causing me to look up and see Wilford crying.

  "Wilf-"  I started but was cut off by him.

  "I-I'm sorry, (Y/N).  I'm just worried about you being this small, especially in this household."  He said releasing the hug and wiping away the tear from his face.  Now he is rubbing my back with his finger.

  "It's okay,  I still feel safe knowing you and The Host are there if I need help."  My reply making Wilford crack a huge grin.  The grin was soon followed by a yawn, and only then did I realize how tired I am, which resulted in a yawn from me too.

  "Well now, we've all had a long day, how about you sleep with me tonight in here so you aren't tiny and alone on your first night here?"  Wilford offered, which I nodded quickly in response to.

  "Okay!  I'm just gonna get changed quickly, I'll be back soon."  Wilford said setting me on the pillow of his bed to wait as he grabbed a pair of pink pajamas from his drawer and went to the bathroom to change.

  He came back soon and scooped me up and set me on his chest.  He then layed a hand over me, like a blanket and looked down to see me.

  "Comfy?"  The moustached man asked.

  "Very."  I said snuggling into his chest further, making my body vibrate from his chuckle, which was the last thing I heard before drifting off into a deep slumber.

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