Chapter 5

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  After about ten minutes of reading a book in a comfortable leather chair, The Host came in and told me to follow him.  I set the book down and walked out of the library with him.

  "The Host informs (Y/N) that they are coming to meet the egos that live in the mansion.  The Host also explains that he has a surprise for them after they have finished."  The Host narrated gliding down the hallway holding my hand.

  I then reached the living room that had fifteen faces staring at me including Wilford.  He had a huge grin on his face while everyone else is just looking at me in confusion.  The Host directed me to stand in front of the 'egos' along side him, while he still held on to my hand.

  "The Host would like to introduce (Y/N) to everyone!  Earlier today Wilford and The Host found them outside and abandoned by their own parents."  He then paused for dramatic effect.  "They then invited them to live with Wilford and The Host, which they graciously accepted talking about some of the troubles with their 'family'."

  Man, he's really good at this whole story telling thing.  I thought during his next pause.

  "When The Host received the text about the egos returning home, he became nervous about what their reactions would be but was cut off by their arrival.  The reason The Host has you all here is because while in the kitchen, he and Dark talked and Dark allowed (Y/N) to stay!"  He practically shouted the last part.  I'm so happy,  I get to stay!  Everyone in the house was clapping happily and most of the 'egos' were cheering too.  Why are they called egos?  I asked myself, then shrugged it off, and noticed even the man known as 'Dark' was clapping politely.

  "The Host now wishes to have all of the egos meet (Y/N) so that they can have less of an awkward interaction at a later date."  He finished after hushing the 'egos'.

  The Host introduced me to all of the egos.  He explained that Wilford, himself, and all of the people with black hair, and the one with blue hair, were all egos of a man named Mark, while the ones with green hair are egos of a man named Sean or Jack.

  They were all really nice and even Dark was respectful, offering an apology for his actions earlier.  Which I assured him was unnessicary.

  After that The Host was going to go to the library.  I still kind of felt awkward after he left so I kind of huddled near Wilford on the couch.  After a minute he noticed something was up so he hugged me in tight on his lap and didn't let anyone near me.  It was kind of strange, almost as if he could sence how high my anxiety levels were.

  "You doing alright there kiddo?"  He asked, his voice now sounding so much deeper, that I was close to his chest, it vibrated through my entire body.

  "Yeah, I don't know what happened, I was fine but when The Host left I didn't want to be around anyone and started hyperventilating."  I explained quietly, so the other egos couldn't hear me.

  "I say that you should relax a bit, maybe take a nap."  He suggested while adjusting my blindfold because it was slipping a bit.

  "Okay, but I'm not really that.... tired."  Before I even finished my sentence a wave of drowsiness spread over me with a yawn soon afterwards.  Wilford chuckled at the sudden change in pace.  He held me on his lap, with his arms wrapped around me and his own head falling onto the back of the couch to sleep as well.  I cuddled in to his chest and let the silky black curtains of sleep pull me inwards.

The Host POV

  I went to the library to catch up on a bit of reading and came back to the living room about an hour later.  I can't say I wasn't intrigued when I saw the egos all crowded around something on the couch, so I went over to investigate.

  What I saw was something I'll never forget.  Wilford had (Y/N) in his arms and they were both sleeping on the couch!  Several of the egos were sharing 'awe's and 'so cute!'s while some had their phones out to take pictures, more than one probably to use this to tease Wilford later.

  After a minute I told everyone to go on to their normal buisness, and they obliged.  I then woke up Wilford and (Y/N) from their peaceful slumber.

  "The Host would now like to show (Y/N) the surprise he promised earlier."  I said with a grin.

More Than Sight-(The Host x Child!Reader)DISCONTINUEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin