That Smile

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It's your fucking nightmare

While your nightmare comes to life

Can't wake up in sweat

Cause it ain't over yet

Still dancing with your demons

------Avenged Sevenfold-----

A/N: Grab a bag of popcorn and enjoy this creepy short story!

I finally got my workers permit! Since, I’m 16 years old (I had my sweet sixteen last week) and I have a workers permit I can get a job. I walk out of the career center and walk home. When I get there my mom is home. I get distracted by the huge Uhaul truck outside my neighbors’ home.

“What’s with the truck?” I ask my mom pointing to the window.

“I thought I told you. Guess I’ve been busy. The Jefferson’s are moving to sunny Florida.” She explains.

“Oh, have I really been that unobservant?”

“Yes dear. But you are working really hard and that’s what matters.”

“Thanks.” I climb upstairs and into my room; empty my backpack find piles of homework.

Its midnight, but I barely finished my schoolwork. When I get in the bathroom I notice my mom asleep on the couch.

“Mom, go to sleep in your bed! You are going to hurt your back.” I tell her.

“Huh? Oh, ok. Thanks.”

I turn around and all our windows and doors are open. “Wait let me turn off the lights, close the curtains and lock the doors.” I walk to the side window. Something catches my eye. I see two little girls. Obviously, twins; no more than at least 8 years old.

“The new neighbors moved in already?” I ask. The little girls are outside alone.

“Yeah. There was a deadline on the house. Some property issue so they are barely moving their stuff in.”

“Hmm. Those parents must have their hands filled. Two young toddlers and they are moving into a new area. Maybe they need a babysitter.” I ponder the thought. “Would that be a good idea? Babysitting?”

“If you are comfortable with taking care of two strangers then go for it.” She replies.

“No problem. I’ll drop a flyer on their doorstep.” I announce.

I turn off the lights and go to bed. That’s odd I can’t seem to sleep. I lay restless in bed. All I can think about is the little girls’ faces. There was something wrong; I just can’t put my finger on it.

Before I know it, the sun rises and I have to get ready for school. Today I have to take a test that is 50% of my grade and I only got 5 hours of sleep last night. I scramble on the bus.

“Okay class. Here are your tests. Take your time and do your best.”

I grab my test and look at it. It is surprisingly easy! I can pass this. It has a lot of questions but I can get it done before the period.

School was boring but I had to pay attention to maintain my good grades. I get back on to the bus when I get home, my mom is at work. I am startled when I hear yelling from the neighbors’ house. I tip toe their front yard. I am baffled; why do I care what they are yelling about? I feel drawn to it and curious. While I’m here, I pull a flyer for my babysitting gig and tape it on the door.

“What do you think you are doing?!” A man’s blaring voice shakes me. He yells at me from inside the house. I get lost into his light blue almost white eyes.

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