In the distance an owl hooted and flew towards us dropping a letter into my lap before disappearing towards the Owlery. I lifted the letter and noticed Cedric's familiar scrawl across the envelope.

"That'll be Cedric, I presume." Luna stated, once again lingering on my neck. "I'll be on my way. Thanks for letting me vent, Hermione."

She skipped off and I touched my neck nervously before tearing open the letter and reading Cedric's words.

I'm writing this in the train station after watching you disappear once again. I have to say I feel rather foolish for my behavior. I shouldn't have been so stand-offish knowing that we're going to be apart for several more months. It's just the reality that I could lose you was made even more clear to me when I saw you run after Harry. Don't you know how dangerous that was? I know you and Harry have this relationship that I will never be able to understand but you could've been killed. And there I was, stuck behind that blasted flame unable to do a thing. Knowing that you'd risk your life for Harry and seeing it are two totally different things. I'm just worried that you'll do something there and I won't be there to protect you or help you.

I know you'll probably go off on me for acting like the possessive boyfriend but I love you.

That's mainly what this letter is about; me admitting how much of a first-rate arse I'm being and then begging for your forgiveness. I promise better sendoff's in the future filled with a lot of inappropriate snogging.

I miss you. I love you.

Forgive me and stay safe,

My heart breaks when I realize just how lucky I am to have Cedric in my life. He realizes the importance of what I'm doing and his secure enough to admit he's wrong. I know I have to respond right away so without hesitation I raced to the Gryffindor common room. When I entered I notice Harry sitting before the fire staring at a piece of parchment. He looked up upon my entrance.

"It didn't go well with Cho?" I asked.

He smiled. "No, that went well. I went to see Slughorn after to ask him about what Dumbledore showed me in that tampered memory and that didn't go well and then I saw Malfoy after and he disappeared again."

I sighed remembering the tampered memory Harry was talking about. It was a memory of a conversation between Slughorn and Voldemort in which Voldemort asked something and a tampered Slughorn waved away the memory in anger.

"Did you actually expect you could just walk up to Ol' Sluggy and ask him to reveal his deepest, darkest, secret? Honestly, Harry, sometimes I think the Daily Prophet should call you the Dim One."

"Nice." He stated angrily as he returned his attention to what I noticed to be the Map.

I went to walk past him and go to my dormitory but I said, "You're going to have to persuade him somehow. And now, I'm afraid, you've made it a lot harder."

"Hermione." Harry called out. "I think Malfoy's leaving the castle."

I stopped in my tracks and turned to Harry who was no looking towards me and pointing at the Map.

He nodded. "I've seen it. Sometimes... sometimes he just disappears off the Map."

"That's... not possible." I responded, shaking my head. "No one can leave the castle these days. The Map is wrong."

"The Map is never wrong."

I frowned, deep in thought, and then turned away and walked up the stairs to my bedroom.

Just Like Magic (Cedric Diggory and Hermione Granger Fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now