Chapter 24: Worry

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What convention outlawed Dragon breeding in Britain?

I tapped my chin with my quill thinking it over before finally writing down "Warlock's Convention of 1709" and moving on to the next question. All of us were seated in the Great Hall taking our O.W.L's with Umbridge standing in her robe at the front. My exams seemed to be going fairly well. I did the theory of answer what I knew and skipping what needed more thought process until later.

A loud began could be heard at the great ornate door and all the students turned towards the sound in perfect precision. It was unusual for anything beside the sound of quills scribbling along parchment and students shuffling in desk to be heard during testing. We needed absolute silence since these were the most important exams of our lives.

The sound could be heard again and Umbridge began to make her way down the long hall to the door. She opened both doors and what appeared to be a tiny light flickered its way to her. The light then flew over her and blew up above our heads in a beautiful blue firework.

We all watched on as Umbridge walked further into the hallway the only sound being the large clock tolling away the seconds that passed.

Coming out of nowhere appeared Fred and George both on their brooms and arms full of their tricks. If they were leaving Hogwarts they were going out in style. They flew overhead and with a casual wave of their wands all the papers in the room flew up from our desks and scattered all over the floor. More fireworks cast their way in the sky of the hall in reds, oranges, blue, greens and yellows.

We all stood and I found Ron and Harry nearby staring on with amazement. Ron looked as if he was never more proud to be a Weasley. Umbridge looked on in shock as the Great Hall turned into an amusement park.

Filch must have heard the noise and appeared, broom in hand, to survey the mess but even he was stunned to silence as he took in the scene before him. Harry watched the two of them with a smug look on his face and I looked up to see Fred and George exchange a nod and hid behind Harry making sure I could still look on. George released the last firework and as they busted into color it began to form into the shape of a dragon with its intent being to get Umbridge. She squealed in fear as the dragon made its way towards her. She ran until she was outside the hall and that's when the dragon made its last burst sending all of the plaques with her rules shattering and falling for the floor.

Fred and George flew over her and an entire room of students gave up returning to their exams and made their way towards the courtyard to watch the disappearance of the Weasley twins. The courtyard was filled by then and Fred and George disappeared with a flash of one last set of fireworks. Cheering was all around and I turned to smile at Harry when I noticed he appeared to be fainting. I pushed my way past students shocked that no one else seemed to notice a thing.

When he hit the ground I checked his vitals and screamed over the noise, "Harry! What's wrong?"

He didn't seem to be responding and even though his eyes were open he was looking past me. I searched the crowd hoping for a familiar face and spotted Ron. With a quick wave over he rushed towards me and surveyed the situation.

"What happened to him?"

I shrugged. "We need to get him out of here. Do you think you can lift him?"

"I'll try."

With that Ron bended and threw Harry over his shoulder. On our way out we ran into Cedric who called over Neville, Ginny, and Luna and we all walked away from the courtyard. We found a quiet hallway and that was when Harry finally shook out of it screaming Sirius' name.

"They've got him!" He yelled. "They're going to kill him!"

I touched his face. "Harry, are you sure?"

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