Used and Abused [Part 2] (Otis Driftwood x Reader)

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"How many time I got to tell you I ain't the type of fucker that settles down with some bitch or gets fucking married? The thought of it makes me fucking sick! Now get that damn gun out of my face!"

"NO! You will be mine, Otis. I will be Mrs. Driftwood! You will love me, we will get married, and we will have kids!"

"How many time do I have to tell you bitch?! I'm not fucking interested! Get that through your damn head you damn psychotic bitch!"

"Sit the fuck down, Otis. I told you, if I can't have you, no one will."

"Woah, woah, woah, put the gun down! Maybe we can work something out. I am a man and I do have needs. I'm sure I can think of a way you can be mine. Ah yes, you can be my fucking booty call girl! Any time I need pussy, I'll call you up and you can come running. And when I don't want any pussy, which is all you are to me and anyone by the way, you can leave me the fuck alone. How's that sound?"

"That's not good enough! Now lay the fuck down!"

"What the fuck are you going to do to me?"

"Well I'm going to fuck you until you want me forever, and if you don't want me by the time I get done I'll blow both of our heads off!"

"You're fucking insane, bitch!"

"Fuck you Otis! What I say goes. Remember I have the gun."

"Okay, that's e-fucking-nough!"

"Otis, sit back down! I will shoot you!"

"No you won't, bitch!" Otis said as he hit me, knocking me to the floor and grabbing the gun which I didn't have the guts to shoot. He slammed me face down on the bed and ripped my clothes off, putting the gun to my head. "Now I'm gonna teach you a fucking lesson slut! You don't fuck with me!" He said as he forced his cock inside of my ass, fucking me to tears. I had never had anal sex before. All I could do is scream and hope it ended soon, but he just kept going and going until he finished inside of me.

"Now you see slut, I told you no one fucks with me and now you're really gonna learn." He cocked the gun, placing it back to my head and pulling the trigger. "Goddammit!" He screamed, realizing the gun had not been loaded and that he could have escaped my capture at any time. "You dumb bitch! If you think this is gonna stop me from killing your ass, you thought wrong!"

I began crying again, begging him. He looked me in the eyes, waiting for my sanity to break and once it did he said, "Now bitch, now you can be mine. You're broken and there ain't no fixing ya. Now we can have some real fun, so get your clothes on and get ready. We gotta meet Baby and Foxy so we can go have some fun."

This time, he was waiting when I came back. I couldn't have been happier. Our adventure was just beginning and I was officially the fourth from hell.

To be continued...

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