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Naruto's POV

"Konohamaru these grades are unacceptable. What the hell is happening?" I asked pinching the bridge of my nose. He was in his room on his Xbox like usual. He had his stupid 60 dollar headset on and his face glued to the tv. Chips and snacks were all over the place as well as dirty laundry.

"Yeah hold on guys can we pause for a second?" He spoke into the mic before taking it off.

"What's up big bro?" I growled in frustration. Is this kid serious?

"Ok turn the game off. I'm really pissed."

"What?! Why?" My eyes went wide before I charged into his room.

"Naruto wait! Ow ouch! Ahhh!" I dusted my hands off with a smirk as I left his room. Little brat. I work non stop to keep this house over both of our heads and to take care of my daughter the least he can do is keep his grades up.

"It wouldn't kill you to take a shower to by the way! I'm going to train so you know where I'll be." I've just been so stressed out lately. Shion always calling for money is pretty damn annoying as well. Of course I'd do anything for my baby girl but I know Shion is using that money for her self. Always getting her hair done or her nails.

To be honest I'm not even sure how she has custody. She didn't want to share custody with me because I'm 'to busy to take care of her'. Yeah I bet Namiko likes me better anyway. I gathers my essentials for my training session in a gym bag and made my way to the one place that takes everything off my mind. This was pretty much my second home. Not only did I work here but I'm training in here everyday. I always manage to squeeze time in if I don't have a client.

"Hey Naruto hows it going!" I looked over to the front desk to see one of my fellow employees but also one of my good friends.

"Hey Sakura-Chan" I went to high school with Sakura. She has been my friend since then.

"Back again for some more training? Are you ever going to let your body rest?"

"I rest when I can but to be honest I don't have that much down time. Plus ya know I gotta keep up my physique." I said with a smirk

"Whatever idiot just go and workout already." She said angrily. Ah that sweet Sakura always so kind.

Hinata POV

"Hey Hinata can you do my laundry?" Asked my boyfriend Toneri. I was invited over his house for dinner tonight and of course he finished his before me and now he's sitting on the couch watching tv.

"I'm still eating."

"You think I care? Go be a woman and do my laundry." He said without even looking at me. He spoke to me this way often and I've tried so hard to talk to him about it but he's much to powerful...

"If you don't get up from that table in 5 seconds so help me god." He said clenching his fists. It was obvious he was starting to get frustrated. I did as I was told and quickly went to his room to get his laundry basket. I don't want to see what will happen if I don't. Sometimes he's so nice and sweet. That's how we came to be but every since the day we got together it's just been a constant year of abuse.

I'm terrified to break up with him or report to the police because I know what he's capable of. He's put his hands on me so many times I'm used to it by now. I'm very lucky to be on good birth control because he can't go a week with out toying with my body. I don't want to be intimate at all but I need to cooperate for my safety. He forced himself on me a couple times and it was one of the most scariest moments of my life.

"Hinata!" I heard footsteps stomping down the hallway and I mentally prepared myself.

"You filthy slob! Leaving my house all dirty with plates still at the table?!"

"But Toneri you left your own plate there and told me to get up to do this laundry." I said looking down. I was terrified but tried my best not to show it.

"Oh Hinata silly me I'm sorry." SMACK!

A hard sting was on my cheek making me wince in pain. I should have known he was going to hit me. I can't remember a moment when he wasn't putting his hands on me. It's okay Hinata everything will be fine. Your gonna do this task and then go back home. I took a couple deep breaths. He rolled his eyes at me and walked away. Now that he's gone I can leave out the back door.

I seriously hope he doesn't show up at my home after I escape. I put the laundry in and did just as I was going to and ran out the back door. Tears ran down my cheeks as my feet took me home. I lived a good 30 mins walk and it was getting dark. As much as I should be concerned for my safety this is the safest I've felt since being away from him. I need to find a way to get him locked up because if this continues any longer I'm not sure how long I'll live...

The next morning I woke up in my soft comfortable bed. I didn't want to get up but knew I had some tasks to get done. Luckily I don't work today so I have some quality time to clean up my house. Last night I was thinking about something. I want to be able to defend myself. I can't just be this weak girl. I can be strong, I am strong, I think. I need to get into shape maybe I can get a gym membership. Yeah I can do this! Alright Hinata your gonna get swole!!!!! I giggle to myself at my thoughts. This could be fun.


Thanks for letting me help out with this book it's super fun to write! Hope you enjoyed reading!


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