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Check out the beautiful cover sweetpea1010 made! Thank you so much ❤️


Vote for me, Kennedy Davis as student body president!"

I tacked on another poster to the wall before continuing down the hall. Today was the last day of my campaign before elections.

"Vote for me!" I smile brightly and hand out flyers to a group of girls. "Vote for me!"

One boy tried to brush past me when I offer him a pin. I whirl around and grab his arm forcefully. His eyes widen as I smile serenely. 

"Vote. For. Me," I clip the pin to his shirt then brush imaginary lint off his shoulder. "There you go. Have a great day, and don't forget to vote!"

By the time the bell for homeroom rings I've distributed all my flyers, hung up the remaining posters, and gave away all my pins. I'm confident as I slide into the seat next to my best friend Vienna Saito. I have this election in the bag.

"How's the campaign?" She asks, rolling around the silver ball of her tongue piercing.

"Not to brag or anything, but if I didn't win, I'd assume the voting ballots had been rigged."

She grins. "That confident huh?"

"Please. If not me then who? Freshman year I was student body secretary, sophomore year I was their treasurer, and junior year I was VP. Not to mention I'm tennis team captain, senior class president, and an advisor on the student leadership board. "

Vienna shakes her head. "Kennedy Davis, you are a force to be reckoned with."

A smile coyly. "I know. We need more powerful women like me in the world."

She shakes her head before sliding me a sealed envelope. I give her a questioning look.

"Just open it."

I pull out my letter opener and carefully slice open the seal. Inside are two fake IDs. I roll my eyes.

"You can't be serious," I pick up my card. "Charlotte Butane. Do I look like a Charlotte to you?"

"You think that's bad, I'm Olive Fondue."

I snicker, then cover it with a cough as Mrs. Huey sends a sharp glance in our direction. Lowering my voice I whisper, "Why do we need fake IDs?"

"I know you're smarter than that Ken," Vienna has a glint in her eyes that I know means trouble. "Buying alcohol, sneaking into bars, going to clubs..."

"As the first future female president of the United States, I'm afraid I can't encourage your illicit activities."

"No bueno. Pick your poison."

I stuff the cards back into the envelope and hand them back to her. 

"Non merci. I have tennis practice after school, then a ton of assignments to start tonight, and I need to review my acceptance speech for when I win student body president. I've also been asked to run the blood drive for Key Club, so there's that."

"One, we wouldn't be going out until late tonight. Two, you said assignments to start, which means you have plenty of time to complete them later. Three, I'm pretty sure you've already memorized your speech, so reviewing it is just a formality. Four, the blood drive isn't for another two months. And five, it's a Friday night. Give yourself a break."

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