Rock: Remember, Y/n, we're heading to the athletic store right after. Your parents gave you money, right?

You: Yeah, I made sure to text them before school started that I was planning on joining the basketball team again and I might need some money for new gear. After that, wanna grab something to eat? I know a good place with good food at a cheap price.

Rock: Only if you're paying, I don't think I'll have enough after our gear shopping.

You: Alright, it's not that expensive anyway.

Opening the gymnasium doors, you and Rock saw an empty gym, save for Terry and Andy Bogard, who were currently discussing something that was out of earshot. Brothers were usually opposites of each other and this statement applied to Terry and Andy. Terry was more laid back in both personality and clothing, often sporting his red denim jacket and a trucker cap while Andy always sported more professional attire such as suits. Terry took his eyes off of Andy to see who came through the door and a wide grin slapped on his face as he approached you and Rock, putting you both in a headlock, though in a friendly manner.

Terry: There are my two golden boys!

You: Y-yeah, here we are.

Terry then let you and Rock go, the both of you adjusting your hair to how it was styled previously.

Rock: Where's everyone else? Usually when people hear "basketball season", there's usually enough people to make a team with some subs.

Andy: We had a couple of people from homeroom come to me for the forms because they couldn't make it to today's meet.

Terry: *sighs* It's because of the cartoons today. Not a lot of people find sports cartoons interesting nowadays.

Andy: We're giving it ten minutes before we leave. If you want, you can visit the other clubs that are going on. I think aikido club is about to start.

Terry: Wait, I gotta hand you two the sheet to make it official.

He headed into his office and came back out with two sheets of paper in hand, giving them both to you and to Rock. It was basically saying that he or the school wasn't responsible for injuries and what not, contact information in case of any emergencies, and the payment information for players to commit, along with medical records.

You: Does that mean the group chat's revived?

Terry: It was never dead, Y/n.

Andy: Yeah, it was always meant for you guys to chat and group up for other things, relating to basketball or whatever you guys felt like. Terry and I were in there to make sure you guys knew what was up with either the season, meets, or if school in general was cancelled or not.

Rock: See, Y/n? Told you it wasn't dead.

You: You thought it was dead too, shut up.

Rock: We'll check back in ten minutes. If we see no one, see you later.

Parting with a goodbye gesture and a small smile, the Bogard brothers continued their conversation from before as you and Rock left. Deciding on taking Andy's advice to check on South Town High's Aikido Club, you two stopped by a flyer advertising it to get the room number it was being held in and found it held in room not that far from the basketball courts in the main gym. Heading in one of the side rooms, you and Rock were greeted with padded mats with male and female students sitting in a circle with who you assumed was Kasumi Todoh in the middle, talking to them.

Kasmui Todoh was reserved, yet smart, her words often carrying weight. Her blue hair was tied in a high ponytail with a headband to keep the bangs out of her eyes. She wore a white kimono with a hakama mixed with protection gear on her forearms and legs. She was raised like a traditional Japanese girl, yet had enough sense to modernize. It was these qualities that made her attractive in the eyes of many.

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