The confession

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It was 6:00 pm and I was walking around the field at the park just thinking but than I saw Brandon " He Avery what's up" he asked "good just feeling down" I replied I started talking a walking for one hour about our talking was just not ending but than I saw Josh biking to the park when he saw me he stopped " He Ave— Who's he?" Josh asked " My best friend Brandon" I answered with a smile on my face "hey" Brandon said to Josh Josh got off his bike "He is just your friend right?" He asked me "what you mean even if I make a boyfriend why would you care?" I said a mean tone "Look I don't know what your saying " Brandon asked "I know what your up to" Josh yelled at Brandon "JOSH" I yelled back defending Brandon "It's ok Avery please get my phone on the bench" Brandon said so I went to the bench to get his phone "I know what your doing your trying to take her Away from me" Josh said to Brandon " Why do you care about aren't you with Evy" Brandon spoke back when I looked back they were fighting Josh pushed him Brandon punched him back I ran to them        
" STOP"  I yelled but than Josh took me away from that area " What do you want and why do I care from who I hang out with?" I yelled "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU" He yelled back and there it was the moment of quietness and Josh came close to my face and we kissed lip to lip...

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