"That might be it", Freed nodded. That might be the exact reason why he was still feeling so uneasy. Sure the fact that he had been sleeping for so long was one reason as well, but this was probably also part of it all. "I might as well eat there, I'm not in a mood to start cooking something and I want to see Felix so he won't worry anymore."

"Just... Go wash yourself first, Sweetie", Ever said. "You've been sleeping for three days and you've been sweating a lot. Your hair looks like a rat's nest and you smell like a workout shirt that hasn't been washed forever."

Freed sighed and he got up, walking in to the bathroom. He dropped his clothes in the laundry basket and stepped in the shower. For a moment he just stood there feeling the hot water running down his skin and tried to organize his thoughts.

Of course the first thought in his head was a question of when did the season start. Was there going to be consequences or not? To get an answer to that, he should probably talk to Porlyusica once they would get to the guild...

After Freed had taken a shower, brushed his hair and dressed up, the Thunder Legion was ready to leave. For each step they took getting closer and closer Fairy Tail's guild house, Freed's tension lessened and the uneasiness he had felt slowly faded. It must be because Laxus was near.

They walked past the big gates and arrived at the big doors. Freed did not wait but grabbed a handle, opening the door so they could step in.

The Hall was lively just like always. But they could sense the tension there was when everyone was nervous how things might go now that dragon slayers were acting more dragonly again. And it wasn't just Laxus, Natsu and Gajeel this time, but Wendy as well and on top of that, Sting and Rogue were visiting their guild to help them with Yuidose and others.

Freed looked around but he didn't see Laxus. He smiled when he saw Felix, playing with Cana and Chester and he headed towards them. Freed chuckled when they were hardly close to the table when suddenly Felix lifted his head from cards and he turned around noticing them.

"Mama!" he shouted getting down from his seat and ran towards them. Freed smiled and grabbed his son, lifting him up. "You woke up!" Felix said tightly hugging the rune mage.

"I did", Freed smiled patting his son's back. "I'm really sorry you had to worry like that, Felix."

"You should be!" Felix said and he sniffled, not letting go of Freed's neck. "I though you would never ever wake up anymore!"

"I'm fine now, don't worry", Freed smiled as they sat down and Felix hiccuped. "There's no fever anymore and I feel much better. I will see Porlyusica today and she can confirm that I'm alright, okay?"

"Do you pinky swear?" Felix asked wiping his eyes and let go of Freed finally.

"Absolutely", Freed swore without hesitation, lifting his hand and Felix grabbed his pinky with his own. "Now that's a promise. What were you playing here?"

"We just read some cards", Cana smiled and Freed noticed that she didn't even have any drink with her on the table. How rare. "And then we build some houses from cards."

"Cana is really good with cards", Chester said. "She can draw out any card she wants from the deck."

"Yeah, because she's that awesome", Bickslow grinned giving a big smooch for Cana who laughed.

"You dog", she said.

"Thank you for taking care of Felix and Chester", Freed smiled as the mentioned boys took a few cards and went to talk with Macao and Wakaba, trying to read them their future from cards.

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