Chapter 4: Return of the Black Pearl

Start from the beginning

Sighing, I slip the nightgown on and climb into the bed.  I'm just about to close my eyes when the door opens.

Jack steps in, covering his eyes.  "You're decent right?" he asks.

"Yes," I say, confusedly.  Jack takes off his coat and climbs into the bed next to me.

"What are you doing?" I ask, sitting up.

"Well, love, this is my ship which makes me Captain which makes the Captain's quarters mine.  So that makes you a guest," he says.

I sigh and lay back down.  I can't sleep, now.  Not with a pirate next to me.  I keep my eyes wide open.

"You know love, I'm not going to take advantage of you.  So you can actually sleep," he says.  Damn, he's smart.

"What makes me think I can trust you?" I ask. 

"For starters, I haven't killed you.  I spared your life and saved it and I hardly even know you."

"What is there to know?" I ask.

"Well for starters, where are you from?" he asks.

"Port Royal," I answer.

"That's interesting," he says.  "You don't seem like the type."

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"Not many pirates hang out near Port Royal.  It's an island of execution," he answers.

"Do you really want to know my story?" I ask.

"Yes," he replies.

"My mother and father were first class people.  My father was part of the Royal Navy and my mother was a kind woman with a kind heart.  My father died when I was nine.  Something inside her must have snapped.  She blamed me for his death.  Every day she said that it should have been me and that it was all my fault.  She beat me with knives and whips.  My back has the scarring to prove it.  After seven years of this, I couldn't take it.  I bartered a ride to Tortuga and never looked back.  Eventually, I got my ship and then you destroyed it."

He doesn't say anything.  "Can I see you're scars?"


"Why not?" he asks.

"They're personal.  I never told anyone this story except you, so you better keep you're mouth shut," I say.



"Pretty please?" he pleads.

"Go to bed, Jack," I say, closing my eyes. 

"Goodnight, love," he says. 

"Goodnight," I say under my breath. 

My thoughts are rudely inturuppted by cannon fire.  I open my eyes.  Wow, it's already dark.  Time flies.

"I know those cannons," Jack says, standing up and looking out the window.

"It's the Pearl," I whisper in amazement. 

"I've heard stories of the Black Pearl.  She's raided islands for ten years.  No survivors," a man in the cell next to us says.

"No survivors?" Jack inquires, looking at the man.  "Then where do all the stories come from, I wonder?"

We continue watching the pirates raid Port Royal.  My thoughts instantly go to the girl Jack rescued earlier.  She had the pirate medallion on. 

"The medallion," I whisper to Jack.  "They're after the pirate medallion.  The governor's daughter had it on."

Jack's about to say something, when he shoves me to the ground just when a cannon flies into the wall.  It creates a hole into the cell next to us, but leaves ours untouched.  We watch sadly while all of the prisnors minus us escape. 

It's a long night of cannon fire, screams of innocent people and pirate cackles.  Jack and I lay down on the cell floor.  He puts his arm around me and pulls me in tightly.  I don't think I could have made it through the night without him. 

A/N : Sorry if this chapter is kinda boring.  The next few ones will be more interesting.  They'll also include how Eve first met Jack.  That's mostly what this chapter was, as you can tell.  I hope all of you who are reading this are enjoying it.  I'm having fun writing it. 

Btw, if you like it, comment or something.  I want to know what you think.

~Capt.  Jane Sparrow ;)  XD

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