37. Admit It For God's Sake !

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Arthur was thinking. IHe did not know what to do. He was feeling sick. He wanted to know what happened in Rachel's past so bad. But nobody wanted to tell him.

-It's umbearable ! Totally umbearable ! Fuck !

-What's umbearable Art ?

Ray has been woken up by his screams. Arthur wanted to slap himself. For once, she managed to sleep without moving and moaning in pain !

-Nothing Ray. Go back to sleep.

-Too late. What's wrong ? You have something that you gotta tell me or what ?

She smiled and got up from the couch where she was laying. She stood in front of Arthur who didn't look comfortable.

-I... No I don't... have much to tell you...

-Really ?

He was staring at the ground. Ray forced him to look at her.

-Tell me what's bothering you. Right now.

-It's nothing Ray. Really.

He turned his head and declared with a weird tone :

-I must go. A call from work. Ciao, I'll get you tonight at the institute. See ya later !

-Wait !

He slamed the door. And sat against it.

-What a dumbass... Seriously what a dumbass...

-Who's a dumbass ? You ?

A rather tall man, with brown hair and small glasses, reached out for Arthur. He got upby himself though before hugging the stranger warmly.

-It's good to see you here Franck. But what are you doing ?

-I came to see your girlfriend.

Arthur arched his eyebrows.

-Emy is not here.

Franck facepalmed himself before laughing out loud.

-And you're still asking yourself why she doesn't fall in your arms like the others... My poor pal, you got some progress to make... Can I enter ?

-Wait a sec, I'll open, said Rachel's voice through the door.

A metalic sound later, The blonde young woman appeared on the doorstep, smiling.

-Come in Franck ! I didn't expect you to come this early !

-I know. But I like to be early for meetings. Even though it's just with friends.

He gave an insistent gaze towards Arthur, standing behind him..

-By the way, he said, still talking to Ray. I found a lost dog in the corridor. Is it yours ?

Art frowned and murmured an insult to his friend.

-Yep, he's mine, added Ray to make him more uneasy. Thanks for bringing him back ! He was about to escape a really serious talk.

She was about to grab her "lost dog" by the collar when his phone started ringing.

"Saved by the bell" He thought.

The stare his roommate gave him didn't let him enjoy his few more hours free.

-See you tonight, she said simply while handing him his coat and his keys. And don't bring any girl. The one from tomorrow wants to talk to you.

Franck was keeping his laugh for himself. Arthur nodded and went away. Once she heard the entrance door slamming shut, the blonde woman sighed heavily before having a look at her watch.

-Does it bother you if you drop me off at work ? I'll be late if I take the bus.

-No problem. It's on my way anyway.

-You're an angel Francky.

A dim smile appeared on the young man's face. He wanted to tell her so many things. That she was an angel, not him. But he'll wait for his day to come, like always.

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