Chapter 10. What's next?

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"What?!" Ellen gasped. "What do you mean you can't?!"
"I just... can't." Josh bowed his head, "I can't risk my life."
"Even for Ashley?!" Ellen's hands turned into fists and her face went red. "Are you joking? This isn't the time, you fucking asshole!"
Carter didn't know what to say. He just sat there quietly and watched. What could he even do?
"I'm not." Josh mumbled. He looked up at Ellen and her expression changed from anger to sadness. Josh's eyes were watering and his lips trembling. "I'm an awful father."
"No..." Ellen sat beside him and stroked his back. "No, you..."
Everyone went silent. Ellen stood up and walked in circles around the house, picking up things and putting them in a bag. Then she put on a black coat and a fluffy pink scarf. Only then did Josh understand.
"Ellen, where are you going?" Josh stood up.
Ellen ignored him for a few seconds, opening the door and taking the keys. Then she sighed and turned around, glaring at Josh.
"I understand if you don't want to risk your life." She said, "But for my Ashley, I would."
She slammed the door shut.
"Should I leave?" Carter asked after a long awkward pause.
"Yes." Josh sunk back onto the couch.
"Okay..." Carter did as he was told.
"Well, that was emotional." Jayden sighed when Carter put on ARI again. "Anyway, what will happen to Ellen now?"
"What do you mean?" Carter raised an eyebrow.
"Obviously, the trials are made for fathers to save their kids, who are also little boys." Jayden explained. "But now it's a mother. There HAS to be something - like, a reason for it to be always like this."
"Huh... you have a point." Carter answered.
"Wow! Is this the first time you ever agreed with me?" Jayden tried to hide his amusement by sounding sarcastic, but Carter noticed the slight shock in his eyes.
"Ha!" Carter looked away. "I hope this is the first and last time."
"What should we do now?" Jayden seemed to ignore the last sentence.
"I'm thinking about following her." Carter answered. "First of all, to see what the trial is like and second, to see what happens to Ellen."
"That's... crazy... and dangerous." Jayden shook his head. "But it's probably the only thing we can do right now. I saw the address on the paper of the second trial. It's the old abandoned power plant not far from here."
It didn't take more than a few minutes to get there. Jayden and Carter investigated some ruins of a brick fence until they spotted a white butterfly pained on it. Then they saw another one and another one leading somewhere nearer to the building. They followed the butterflies, climbed over some rocks and... they were in the territory. As Jayden flicked dirt off is clothes, which he didn't even have, Carter looked around and noticed something strange.
"If this power plant is abandoned, shouldn't the power be off?" He muttered.
Jayden squinted to look.
"Yeah..." Jayden raises his eyebrows in confusion. "That definitely isn't off. But let's look for an entrance for now."
"The butterflies show the way to that door over there." After a bit of walking Carter pointed to a grey door on the side of the building, to which you had to get to through a metal fence. There was a hole in it and as they got in, Jayden noticed some fresh blood on it. Ellen must have cut herself on her way. They approached the door. Carter started looking at the little origami figure attached to it, while Jayden went around the building quickly.
"Look, there is another one over here." Jayden said after coming back. Carter looked into the direction and saw a blue door.
"But which one are we supposed to enter?" Carter asked. Jayden shrugged.
But then a loud, piercing cry came from inside the building. It was coming from the blue door, so Carter and Jayden burst through it to see something very horrible...

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