Chapter 1. Jayden, ARI, and origami

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Carter took off the glasses immediately. He looked around. Luckily, no one saw him staring in shock.
What was that? Was that really him? It can't be. No, no, Jayden is dead!
Carter continued working, trying to forget what happened. After some time, which seemed like ages, the day was over, and Carter made his way to his apartment.
Carter looked at the glasses again. He wanted to know if what he saw was real. He put them on, less hesitant than last time.
It was still the same place. Everything looked like it did the first time.
"Well, hello there, lieutenant." Carter heard a voice behind him. He spun around, seeing, of course, Jayden.
"What the fuck are those?" Carter pointed at the glasses. "And why are you here?"
"That's called ARI." Jayden explained, "You can't use it yet. And since I was the owner of it, I am here."
"Shit, and what am I supposed to do now?" Carter said, half sarcastically.
Jayden looked over Carter's shoulder. Carter turned around and saw an origami figure.
"Origami? You mean you want me to continue the case of the Origami Killer?" Carter asked.
Jayden nodded. Carter scoffed.
"I'm off the case." He said. "Since I -and YOU- failed to save Shaun Mars."
"Oh well," Jayden shrugged. "Fine, let's let another kid die with the police not knowing a single thing."
Carter was silent for a moment.
"Fine." He said. "I did almost figure everything out. What should I do, oh almighty assho- I mean, Jayden?"
Jayden thought for a few moments.
"You should check my body." He finally said. "There is something useful."
"Didn't the police get rid of it yet?" Carter asked.
"Of course not. The police here isn't that good." Jayden said, then smirked, "Perry didn't even lift a finger when you were beating Ethan Mars."
"Too bad." Carter answered and lifted his hand to take off his glasses. "I'm glad you're only here."
"I'm not going anywhere, don't worry."

The next day...

The first thing Carter did when he arrived at the police station was head to Jayden's office. He entered the old, dirty and almost empty room. Empty except... cops that were taking Jayden's bode away!
"Hey, put that back!" Carter said in a demanding tone. "I need to do something with it."
The cops followed the lieutenant's order.
"What's taking so long?" Captain Perry came in and saw the scene. "Lieutenant Blake? What are you doing here?"
"Can I take a look at Jayden's body?" Carter asked impatiently.
"Sure." He gestured something to the cops and they left the room.
Carter sat down on a chair in front of a desk. He wondered how Jayden worked without a computer or anything of that sort. Now he knew. He looked at the body. Jayden's face was filled with a mixture of fear and determination. There was blood coming out of his nose and eyes.
"What the hell happened to him..?" Carter thought aloud. "How did he die?"
"You'll see." Perry answered. "I, uh, I'll leave you alone. Will fifteen minutes be enough for you?"
"Plenty." Carter said and the captain left.
Carter took the ARI out of his pocket and put it on. But instead of the clouds and rocks, everything was the same. Except that it was grey-er. Jayden was here too. He stared at his body, deep in thought.
"Not used to seeing yourself dead, huh?" Carter said, joking.
"Yeah..." Jayden answered. He jerked out of his thoughts and looked at Carter. "Look at the right hand."
"Uh... okay?" Carter didn't expect that.
He carefully took Jayden's right arm, that was gripping his throat. There was a weird black glove, with lighter circles at the fingertips. Carter took off the glove. Jayden nodded approvingly.
"Put it on." Jayden said.
"I hope it doesn't take me to a weird world or something. Like the glasses." Carter joked.
"ARI," Jayden corrected him.
Carter rolled his eyes. He put the glove on. Nothing happened. Carter looked at his hand with disbelief.
"Is this a joke?"
"You just don't know how to use it." Jayden moved closer to Carter. He grabbed his arm and moved it upward. It glowed yellow and some orange circles rose around the room. Carter looked around.
"Now that you know what to do-" Jayden started, but Carter interrupted him.
"I don't."
"-why don't you practice with this room?" Jayden ignored him. "See those circles? Walk closer to them."
Carter looked around the room. He saw a few of these circles on the desk and on Jayden's body. He decided to start from the ones on the desk. There were purple and teal spots on it.
"The purple spots are fingerprints." Jayden explained. "If you touch them, ARI will identify who they belong to."
Carter did what Jayden said. And, of course, the same happened. Orange letters rose up from Carter's hand. It said:

Norman, Jayden
FBI agent
Age: 34

Carter then touched the teal spots and it showed almost the same.
"Is this blood?" Carter asked, the Jayden nodded.
"Nice job." Jayden said.
"I could've figured it out without you." Carter snapped back.
"That's for sure." Jayden stepped in front of his body, as if trying to hide something. "Anyway, that's not all it can-"
"Hold your horses, Norman." Carter said. "There's also something over there."
He pointed at the body.
"That's... not important." Jayden became silent for a moment, then sighed. "Whatever. I'm sure it can't make our relationship worse than it already is."
He took a step sideways and gestured with his hand at the body, inviting Carter to do whatever he wanted.
(I just realized that the title of the chapter rhymes :P)

A Heavy Rain fanfiction Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora