Chapter 15

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  I walk into the dining hall and realize I'm one of the first few. The Royals hadn't made it in yet. The girls filed in and sat down. Then the Royals came in. King Maxon held up a hand motioning for us to stay seated. 

  "Ladies, my son and I will be flying to New Asia in order to secure some last minute peace deals to finish to finish this war." I looked over at Nathaniel and mouthed Talk to me in my room tonight? He nodded and looked towards the other girls.  

  "We will be leaving tomorrow morning. I will be visiting each of you after dinner." They sat down with Faithlynn beside me and Nathaniel beside her. Josalyn was in front of me and Alisha was beside her. Nobody talked, we were all worried. Some of the girls left early to go to their rooms. After about an hour everyone, except Faithlynn, Queen America, Nathaniel and I, had left. Faithlynn and the Queen walked out and Faithlynn looked back and smiled and winked. I laughed and shook my head. 

  "Charity.." I ran up to him and hugged him.

  "You have to promise me you'll be safe." I buried my face in his chest and hugged him. 

  "Charity, my darling, I promise I will be safe." His lips met my forehead right below my hairline.  

  "I'll be gone for a week. I'll be back before you know it." He held me a little tighter. 

  "I have to go see the other girls ok? I'll see you later."  I nod and reach up to kiss his cheek. He walks out and looks back at me and smiled.

I walk into my door and immediately dismiss my maids. They could see my face and knew I needed to be alone and they didn't protest. I get out of my dress and put on a night gown and a robe. I sit at my couch looking out at the stars. 

I wake up with a jump as I hear someone knock.

"Charity, it is me. Can I come in?" 

I walk up to the door and look back at the clock it was almost eleven. Three hours had passed. I open the door and notice his blue eyes first. I hug him and pull him into the room.  

"Come on, Charity. Let's get you into bed." He scooped me up into his arms respectfully and watching where he placed his arms. 

He gently placed me into my bed and pulled the sheets and covers over me. He pulled up my desk chair and sat in it.

"Nathaniel, you have to be safe. Promise me." I look up at into his eyes almost in tears. He took my hand and held it. 

"Charity, I promise I will be back." He chuckled softly. I playfully slapped his chest. 

"Nathaniel! This is serious." He smiled and I giggled. 

"I actually don't want to talk about the trip. I saved you for last so I could talk to you longer." He smiled and looked deeper into my eyes. There was a glimmer in his. 

"My middle name is Bree Ann." I said abruptly.

"What?" He asked while smiling.

"Well you don't want to talk about the trip so we will talk about something else. So my middle name is Bree Ann."

"Charity Bree Ann Arbor." He smiled and looked into my eyes. "I like it." I giggled and blushed while he chuckled.

"What's yours?" I said and smiled.

"Theodore." He grinned.

"Nathaniel Theodore Schreave." I said and he nodded. There was a silence between us but it wasn't awkward. It was soothing like we had known each other for years. 

He was the first to break the silence. 

"When I get back we will be taking a walk in the gardens." His eyes wrinkled and I smiled. 

"Of course, your highness." I joked.

"Please. Charity, call me Nathan." He held my hand. 

"Only if you call me Char." 

He smiled and nodded. He glanced at the clock and settled back into the chair. 

"Nathan?" I looked up at him. 


"What is your hobby?"

"Like my father I love photography, but I also love piano, like mother." 

"That means you would have been a five." I close my eyes. 

"Yes I would be." He moved a piece of hair and tucked it behind my ear. I look up at him and smile.

"I have to go soon." He frowned slightly. I take his hand and hold it. 

"Nathan, please promise me you'll keep safe and be back as soon as you can." I worriedly look up at him. 

"Charity, I give you my word." He took my hand and placed it on his cheek. "I promise I will be safe and be back as quickly as I am able." He moves his face so he kisses the palm of my hand. 

"Will you stay here until I fall asleep?" I look up into his blue eyes. He nodded and started to hum as I close my eyes. 

I hear him get up, click a light switch and the door shut as I fall asleep. 

I'm back!!!!! Sorry. I had a lot on my plate. And saw it as best to put this on hold. But im back!!!!  And just so yall know something crazy is gonna happen the next 2 chapters 😯😯😯🙊
~sky 💖

The chosen {finished ✅}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz