"I have to look good. I'm stressed!" she worried.

"Look good for who?" I asked her, and a blush crept up to her cheeks.

"No one, I just want to look nice," she obviously lied.

"Bullshit, Amanda Wetherell! Tell me who right now!" I scolded, and she caved easily.

"Okay....Dylan," she admitted.

"Dylan...as in Dylan Campbell?" I asked.

"Yeah...we have been talking since Chelsea's party and he's really sweet. I think he might like me," she confessed.

"Oh my god, Amanda that's amazing! He's really cute! I'm so happy for you!" I exclaimed, and the rest of the lesson was spent gushing over how cute Dylan was.

The rest of the day passed by quickly, and eventually I was on the back of Bailey's bike heading to my house to do our assignment.

"Do you want another bagel?" I joked as I let her in my house.

"I was actually going to ask for another hot chocolate, I've been thinking about it all day!" she exclaimed.

"Hmmm, I guess I can do that for you," I said, walking over to the coffee maker to make us both a hot chocolate. Just to be fancy I frothed the milk and added chocolate powder and two tiny marshmallows before handing the mug and saucer to Bailey.

"Fuck, I'm in actual heaven!" Bailey sighed, taking a sip from the mug. When she put it down I couldn't help but laugh, the froth leaving a thick moustache on her upper lip.

"What?" she asked me with a smile, although I think she already knew what was wrong.

"You've got a little something..." I trailed off, leaning forward and wiping my thumb softly over her parted lips. We didn't break eye contact the entire time, and I felt daring enough to bring my thumb up to my mouth and suck off the froth. I saw Bailey's breath hitch in her throat as she blinked a few times, as if trying to register what had just happened. She licked her lips slowly and coughed awkwardly, breaking the silence and tension that surrounded us.

"Um..." she whispered, trying to find words.

"Let's do that assignment, yeah?" I suggested, quickly hopping off the stool and running up the stairs.

Bailey followed a few minutes later and I couldn't help but wonder what took her so long. Did I make her nervous? Did I turn her on? The thought of that was enough to arouse me further. She sat down next to me on the floor and we sorted through the array of books. We had finished our section on Irena Sendler and were now halfway through researching our second Resistance member, Alexander Pechersky. He was the leader of the most successful uprising and biggest mass escape from the Sobibor Extermination Camp.

I noticed as time went on, Bailey's fascination with WWII started to rival mine. She became enthralled in the information from my books and articles, and that only made me fall for her that much harder. 

For the rest of the week Bailey and I would ride to and from school together, working on our assignment every afternoon. Each time she came home, my mum would eye me suspiciously but walk away quickly when I shook my head at her. I loved her, but the thought of her opening her mouth and saying something embarrassing was daunting to say the least.

By Friday we had finished our section on Alexander Pecherskey and were up to researching our third and final chosen member; Lelio Vittorio Valorba, the leader of DELASEM - Delegation for the Assistance of Jewish Emigrants.

"Cant believe we are actually almost finished this assignment!" Bailey sighed, leaning her back against my bed frame.

"I know, me too. It's due in like a month isn't it?" I said.

"Yep, then you'll never have to put up with me again," she laughed.

"Thank god, I was sick of you on the first day." I joked.

Our banter continued until she left that night, but not after mum had practically begged her to stay for dinner. Bailey happily obliged, insisting I make her another cup of hot chocolate. Once she had left, my mum bombarded me with questions.

"Not now mum, I need to sleep. I have a long day of shopping tomorrow!" I said as I avoided her questions. I ran upstairs and lay down on my bed. I checked my emails last thing before I went to sleep and found one from a high end clothing boutique in the Carrin Valley mall.

Hi Asha,

We have read your resume and are very pleased with what we have seen. We would like to invite you to attend an interview tomorrow afternoon at 1:00pm in our Carrin Valley store. Please respond ASAP to confirm your interview. We look forward to seeing you,

Kind Regards,

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