"Can punch a guy twice her size and break his jaw but gets scared of a toaster..." I mused, still unable to control my laughter. Bailey tried to look angry but failed miserably when a smile cracked onto her face.

"Shut up," she muttered, playfully slapping my arm. She spread the jam on her bagel as I began preparing her hot chocolate.

"Fuck, this is the best bagel I've ever had!" she moaned, taking a second bite.

"I think you're easily impressed," I chuckled, "but here's your hot chocolate."

I handed her the mug full of chocolatey goodness and she took a sip, her eyes rolling to the back of her head.

"Ugh, fuck!" she moaned. Jesus Christ. I was instantly aroused. Awesome.

"This is amazing! Holy shit!" She exclaimed, and practically gulped it down.

"We should probably get going..." I said, "Don't want to be late for school."

I gave myself a hypothetical pat on the back for staying so calm and relaxed in Bailey's presence. I was still upset about what she had said about or hookup at Chelsea's party, but if I wanted to remain friends with her then I couldn't let my emotions show.

We made our way outside and got onto her bike. She handed me a helmet and then put one on herself.

"Wait, did you get another helmet?" I asked her.

"Yeah, can't have you riding without one," she said.

"Well, let me pay you back!" I demanded.

"Nope. Now hold on," she said, and that was the end of that conversation. We drove off and out of my street, turning the corner and heading to the main stretch of Chadstone.

Once we arrived at school, we barely had time to get off the bike before Katie fucking Cooper came running over.

"Bailey!" she all but squealed, "I haven't seen you in forever!"

"Yeah, been busy. Sorry!" Bailey said, looking down at the ground.

"Can we hang out this afternoon? Maybe at my place?" Katie asked, batting her eyelashes like some sort of cartoon character. Can she fuck off?

"Sorry, I cant. I'm going to Asha's this afternoon to do an assignment," Bailey said simply, and began walking away. Katie grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"What about tomorrow afternoon?"

"Assignment again. Sorry Katie, I really can't hang out," Bailey said, and with that she walked off. Katie gave me a deathly glare and stormed off in the opposite direction, leaving me standing next to Bailey's bike alone.

"You coming, Lawrence?" Bailey called from the school gates, and I ran to catch up with her.

My first lesson was double English which was fairly relaxed. I spent most of the time talking to Amanda about my morning with Bailey, the Larchdale Charity event, the school recital and the upcoming Spring Formal.

"Do you know what style of dress you'll get?" Amanda asked me.

"Honestly I have no clue, let's go shopping this weekend with the girls to find some dresses!" I suggested, and Amanda nodded excitedly in agreement. She pulled out her phone and sent a group text to all of us.

'GIRLIES 💖' Amanda: Saturday = formal dress shopping at the mall. Meet at 10:30am. 💋

"Wow, you're prompt!" I laughed as she tucked her phone back in her pocket.

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