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Five minutes passed seven and still no sign of Gilbert.

She waited patiently for five more minutes until he showed up. Two coffees in his hands and a box of some snack. "Breakfast of champions! You want some?"

"You're late." She muttered, staring down at the book.

He sighed and put his bag down. He began to open the box of Cracker Jack, the snack with a prize inside. "Please let this be a cheat sheet!" The prize to reveal it as a pink beaded bracelet with colorful flowers. He looked up at the clearly annoyed Anne and back down to the bracelet. "It's for you."

"Stop it." She muttered, looking at Gilbert.

He ignored her pleas and put the bracelet on her left wrist. "Don't say I never gave you anything."

She looked down at the cheap bracelet, almost blushing. But she snapped out of it, grabbing the book that was once in her hands. "Do you see this book? Because this book is me." She placed it in front of her face. "I am math."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He took a sip of his coffee.

She rolled her eyes. "It's supposed to mean that you can work your whole 'I'm Gilbert Blythe, Mr. Big-Shot, scoring my touchdowns' on somebody else because I-"

"I don't even play football." He cut in.

She thought for a second and shook her head. "W-Whatever, the point is at the end of the day all your bullshit don't mean anything to math. Cause math don't care and neither do I."

"Does English care because I really suck at that too?" His brown eyes glistened in the sun.

She pushed a piece of her red hair behind her ears and bit her lip. "Please do not waste my time." She placed her pale face into her hands. "I'm already taking a huge chance on you because my instincts are screaming that you are full of shit." He smiled lightly at the clearly frustrated girl, trying his best to hold in his laughter. "Let's just get started, okay?" He nodded and opened up his math book. "Page eighty one deals with polynomials."

Mila Barts was the poster child for a popular girl in high school. Blonde cheerleader with the best looking jock boyfriend in school. But this wasn't the life she wanted. She wanted to be someone who could express herself in art, something she was very good at, and not get judged. Someone who was true with themselves but she wasn't.

She rode her light blue bike to school. Michelle went in early to make up a test and Gilbert wasn't answering. Plus, she did not trust Ruby driving. Her hair blew in the wind as she listened to some eighties metal band her dad recommended when her bike began to slow down.

"No, no, no!" She watched as her tire became flatter and flatter. She hopped off her bike and began to walk it towards school. At this rate, she was going to be late. Until an old truck pulled up next to her. At first, she thought it was Gilbert but she realized it was Atticus.

"Hey, looks like you're having bike difficulties." She nodded as she held up her bike. "If you want you can throw it in the back and I can drive you?" She went over the outcome of this situation. Gilbert finding out and them fighting. A cheating scandal. Maybe even a rumor that they've been friends for awhile now and were hiding it from Gilbert.

She just nodded and he got out of the truck, grabbing the bike. They started their way towards school, an awkward silence between them. "Thanks for this, I can't thank you enough." Atticus just nodded, too nervous to speak. "Ready for the big game after school?" Just another nod. "Oh come on, I don't bite."

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